unemployment benefits


I firmly oppose blanket extensions of unemployment benefits as the time allowed is excessive. However, jobs created are no where near keeping up with demand. I hope this part of the jobs bill goes forward, but not as an option, but as a requirement for extending jobless benefits beyond a set number of weeks. It would connect the unemployed with employers, give employers a test run of the employee, and give pride back to people who do not just want a hand out.


Do you agree or disagree with Cantor's proposal from recommending that benefit recipients "should be expected to engage in education, training, or enhanced job search as a condition of eligibility."


I think that Cantor is one of the biggest buffons to ever draw a breath, that being said, I actually agree with him that benefit recipients "should be expected to engage in education, training, or enhanced job search as a condition of eligibility."

I firmly oppose blanket extensions of unemployment benefits as the time allowed is excessive. However, jobs created are no where near keeping up with demand. I hope this part of the jobs bill goes forward, but not as an option, but as a requirement for extending jobless benefits beyond a set number of weeks. It would connect the unemployed with employers, give employers a test run of the employee, and give pride back to people who do not just want a hand out.


Do you agree or disagree with Cantor's proposal from recommending that benefit recipients "should be expected to engage in education, training, or enhanced job search as a condition of eligibility."

Dumb idea. Just pull the plug already. BTW, the libtards said that unemployment benefits were the best job stimulus out there. That is what we were told when we extended them the last two times.

Yep, no jobs.

Liberal economic policies do not work. Never have. Never will. Clinton had a booming economic because he embraced supply side economics by cutting taxes.