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Unemployment Assistance Welfare Link


Yes, all of us receiving unemployment funds are receiving a welfare (financial or other aid provided, especially by the government, to people in need) benefit.

Welfare comes in many forms-- food stamps, WIC, unemployment assistance, student loans, Medicare and Medicaid, mortgage modifications, et al.

Anyway, this page will list links to each states' unemployment welfare rules and requirements

http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2010/0...C|11445|unemployment by state||S|b|7796430905



I never thought about it like that, but I guess that's right on a technicality. We will be getting money and not working for it.

I guess you are saying that student loans are welfare because the gov't is guaranteeing the loans so the interest rate is lower than it would be otherwise?

Since I have been to rehab, I now have another claim to add.