Under-qualified SD's


Seriously what have these SD's done in order to get the title of Sales Director? I have worked for David Hogan for years and he is the most uninspiring self titled "leader" I have come across within Ethicon. I don't think that he region has hit quota in the last 5 years! Worthless...

What is his tag line? People, performance blah blah blah. Hogan is a great example of playing the political game at Ethicon. He has been promoted to a position that is over his head by politicking at the bar. I would like to say his days are numbered but I honestly don't mind working for him as he is requires so little of us.

I'll drink to that!!! Lets do some shots! (On Dave's tab of course) now he better promote me......

Step one in winning over David and gaining his support for advancement: Shots at the bar. This has gotten me further than hitting quota, becoming a field sales trainer or the regular political stuff at Ethicon. The guy is pathetic but loves those who drink with him.

If you don't like it then why are you still here? Why does everyone bitch and complain about this place. What are you going to do about it?

The moral at Ethicon is at an all time low. Reps are leaving left and right as a direct result of leaderships inability to keep the FSO engaged. Reps don't leave companies they leave managers. A good manager can retain solid talent despite massive organizational change. So let me ask you... What are you doing about it?

Hogan said in a meeting once that "people buy from people" meaning that we need to have a relationship with our customers. Hogan you should apply this to your interactions with those you work with.