Whomever is in charge of releasing and maintaining our IT platforms is the worst ever. Rep Proxy, SAP, Seismic, Fiori... It's like we race to get this garbage out in the field before testing how it will work. Not one works the way it should. The decision to cutoff legacy systems (including history) before SAP was reliable and loaded was treasonous. SAP has turned into exactly what we were told it would not - a bloated, inaccurate work around full of erroneous crap that will likely never get fixed. It's like playing russian roulette with equipment orders. Seismic is clunky at best, not maintained and loaded with tons of unhelpful expired promos. Oh but wait, let's get more information available in Rep Proxy to show GP and tier level, only... alas it doesn't work. Shocker. Now we'll "Roll back the enhancements" until fixes can be made. Will there ever be a day of reckoning for this group?