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Ummmm Hello Marketing!!!


We are now 3 business days into the approval of Farxiga indication. Where in the hell is the company’s response? Verbatims? We are getting destroyed out there!! They have been promoting this launch for a while now. Y’all had time to get something together to helps us! But nope... you watch us drown, tell us to wait till next year for our indication, have us role play the same damn messaging, ITS EMBARRASSING! Missed the ball hardcore on this one!


We are now 3 business days into the approval of Farxiga indication. Where in the hell is the company’s response? Verbatims? We are getting destroyed out there!! They have been promoting this launch for a while now. Y’all had time to get something together to helps us! But nope... you watch us drown, tell us to wait till next year for our indication, have us role play the same damn messaging, ITS EMBARRASSING! Missed the ball hardcore on this one!

they’ve had HF for a while. It hasn’t helped them. Their numbers are flat. CKD won’t do much more to help them.

marketing has a response. Go out and sell more. Easy message.

Seriously...did you not read their Q1 results? 54% growth for Farxiga, outpacing the class??

54% growth does not equate to their performance in US. Their reports are written in a way to keep their investors happy.

and growth rate is such an arbitrary measure. Anything can be embellished and hidden depending on where and how you measure. Heck, my peckah is 10 inches IF I measure from taint to tip. But how honest is that.

You have an imaginary 10 incher? Congrats

54% growth does not equate to their performance in US. Their reports are written in a way to keep their investors happy.

and growth rate is such an arbitrary measure. Anything can be embellished and hidden depending on where and how you measure. Heck, my peckah is 10 inches IF I measure from taint to tip. But how honest is that.