Um, Paul Ryan...About that Hammock?


According to Rep. Paul Ryan we've all been kickin it on a hammock that last few years which lead to the economic downturn. If only they can kick us in the ass we would be much more productive and have the kind of economic growth China enjoys. But it seems that Ryan has a "hammock" problem of his own. When his father died at the ripe age of 16 he and his mother collected social security and used it to pay for his college. I call these types 'kick the ladder out rethugicans', Clarence Thomas also falls in this class as well. The "hammock" is good enough for them but not anyone else, hypocrisy at its finest:
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Two dozen views and the conservatwat clown car is no where to be found on this.

Where is MFAS with his usual "thats different, and you're too stupid to realize it" cutnpaste on every thread?

We know SourBelly will wait until ILHaiti chimes in, if ever.


According to Rep. Paul Ryan we've all been kickin it on a hammock that last few years which lead to the economic downturn. If only they can kick us in the ass we would be much more productive and have the kind of economic growth China enjoys. But it seems that Ryan has a "hammock" problem of his own. When his father died at the ripe age of 16 he and his mother collected social security and used it to pay for his college. I call these types 'kick the ladder out rethugicans', Clarence Thomas also falls in this class as well. The "hammock" is good enough for them but not anyone else, hypocrisy at its finest:

The title of the thread you used to support your conclusion speaks for itself.

The Social Security was intended to be used to help fatherless/motherless children get through school. So what's your problem?

The problem is he and his party wants to pull the rug out for every other 16 yr old who father dies. He called it "welfare" and a "hammock" for everyone else.
Be honest with yourself, for just once, and tell us all you genuinely believe the first sentence of your post. If you still do, why don't you hep us understand with some quotes from somewhere besides dailykos or mediamatters.

It looks like you have a problem with worthy recipients of government assistance getting off the dole and doing well. Don't give up, my little welfare leach, you could be off the dole too...someday.

First off......the SSI# collected would have been collected by the father if he had been alive at retirement age. The funds went to his minor child. That is as it should be. For gods sake!!! When are you simpletons going to realize that although SSI# is going broke and needs to be done away is and never has been an entitlement for those that paid in to it!!! The father paid in to this is and should have been his money!! It was used properly by Ryan and his mother. You libs are a bunch of dumbasses.

Oh...and Raby, I agree with most of what ILA says on this board....not all, but most. I don't need him to chime in on any thread before me....kiss my nice ass!

Soc Sec is going broke? When?

Back up your claim, you dumbassed simpleton.

No one has a problem with Ryan collecting the money that is part of the program. What he, and his party is advocating, is that those coming behind them DONT GET TO ENJOY the SAME BENEFITS as he has, and then disparage them with name calling for collecting what THEY paid in.

You yourself advocating "getting rid of it".

Now back up your claim flatass.

Soc Sec is going broke? When?

Back up your claim, you dumbassed simpleton.

No one has a problem with Ryan collecting the money that is part of the program. What he, and his party is advocating, is that those coming behind them DONT GET TO ENJOY the SAME BENEFITS as he has, and then disparage them with name calling for collecting what THEY paid in.

You yourself advocating "getting rid of it".

Now back up your claim flatass.

jesus i about spit out my coffee reading her nonsense she doesnt get that we dont care that he collected benefits, that what theyre there for

the POINT like the point on ur head is shoog that he collected it then rails against it!

jesus i about spit out my coffee reading her nonsense she doesnt get that we dont care that he collected benefits, that what theyre there for

the POINT like the point on ur head is shoog that he collected it then rails against it!

It sure would be refreshing if you, Broken Views and Retarded Anal Boy could do something other than lie and make false accusations, but when that's all you've got, well.......:D

First off......the SSI# collected would have been collected by the father if he had been alive at retirement age. The funds went to his minor child. That is as it should be. For gods sake!!! When are you simpletons going to realize that although SSI# is going broke and needs to be done away is and never has been an entitlement for those that paid in to it!!! The father paid in to this is and should have been his money!! It was used properly by Ryan and his mother. You libs are a bunch of dumbasses.

Oh...and Raby, I agree with most of what ILA says on this board....not all, but most. I don't need him to chime in on any thread before me....kiss my nice ass!

It worked well for Ryan didn't it, but now he wants to propose kicking the ladder out for others so that they won't have that "hammock" that he enjoyed.

It worked well for Ryan didn't it, but now he wants to propose kicking the ladder out for others so that they won't have that "hammock" that he enjoyed.

As usual all you have are lies and distortions and as usual, they don't pass fair-minded and logical analysis.

Ryan is dead on correct and is proposing sensible and necessary reforms to the system which is headed for disaster. For his trouble lefty idiots like you want to gin up trash like this thread to vainly attempt to smear him. Get used to Ryan. He's not going anywhere except maybe the White House one day. Regardless, he's a major player.

If you cannot read this conclusion byt the SSA themselves and figure out what is coming are the simpleton.


The ACA makes significant progress toward making Medicare financially viable. But while it is projected that the Medicare HI Trust Fund is adequately financed until 2029, and the Social Security OASI and DI Trust Funds are adequately financed until 2040 and 2018, respectively, the significant longer term financial imbalances of the programs still need to be addressed. The sooner action is taken to address the long-run financial imbalances, the more reform options will be available, and the more time there will be to phase in changes so that those affected will have adequate time to prepare.

Adequately financed and going broke are two different things.

Your source:

it is projected that the Medicare HI Trust Fund is adequately financed until 2029, and the Social Security OASI and DI Trust Funds are adequately financed until 2040 and 2018,​

That means that until THOSE dates, we are taking in MORE money than we are shelling out. On those dates, we STILL are taking in money in those funds, but we are paying out more..

That still leaves a huge surplus from the previous years you dumbass simpleton.

Social Security has built up a $2.5 trillion surplus since the retirement program was last overhauled in the 1980s. Benefits will be safe until that money runs out. That is projected to happen in 2037 — unless Congress acts in the meantime. At that point, Social Security would collect enough in payroll taxes to pay out about 78 percent of benefits, according to the Social Security Administration.​

Now, if your argument is on whether or not the money is actually there and wasnt used to cover the huge deficits in the general fund run up by GOP presidents and congresses, then thats a topic of a different discussion.

Class dismissed.

I said SSI is going broke....and the numbers back up that statement. End of class.

And yet your source makes no mention of your "conclusion".

SSI is a disability program NOT financed by the SSAdmin through payroll deductions, but funded by the general treasury, YOU DUMBASS.

No wonder you hide behind to toss the salads of other posts. You cant stand on your own.