UHC is terminating their contracts with Medicare Advantage docs. Uh oh, LabCorp!
Sorry you're misinformed. The docs are refusing to accept UHC Medicare patients. As usual, UHC doesn't want to pay anything for the services.
Hope this helps.
Who cares what the WSJ reports? The reality is that UHC is the worst of all insurers! All providers know it: the hospitals, the labs, and the doctors. UHC premiums are the cheapest for a reason; they provide inferior benefits for insureds and the worst reimbursements for providers, including LCA.
The physicians have finally said, enough!
You've obviously never spoken to your clients about reimbursement. UHC is NOT the worst - actually they are about middle of the road. You ever seen reimbursement from BCBS?
Someone else who thinks they know it all....and only know what's happening in their little corner of the universe. As is typical, you make global statements with a limited knowledge base. Your myoptic viewpoint says nothing about the bigger picture. Perhaps in your territory (MS, LA), BC/BS is the worst. Everything there is bad. The previous poster is correct. UHC is the worst.
A contiguous territory that includes MS and AL sounds like the south to me, not the Midwest. As previously stated, UHC sucks and if you cover MS, and LA I'm sorry.
Someone else who thinks they know it all....and only know what's happening in their little corner of the universe. As is typical, you make global statements with a limited knowledge base. Your myoptic viewpoint says nothing about the bigger picture. Perhaps in your territory (MS, LA), BC/BS is the worst. Everything there is bad. The previous poster is correct. UHC is the worst.
Someone else who thinks they know it all....and only know what's happening in their little corner of the universe. As is typical, you make global statements with a limited knowledge base. Your myoptic viewpoint says nothing about the bigger picture. Perhaps in your territory (MS, LA), BC/BS is the worst. Everything there is bad. The previous poster is correct. UHC is the worst.