Uh Oh... Jon Stewart Shreds Kathleen Sebelius.

ALERT. . . . . . ALERT. . . . . . ALERT

"Watch part one of Stewart's continuing coverage of "Shutstorm 2013" above, and part two below.


Never send a moron Red Stater to an intellectual argument - they aren't armed for it.

Yes, because as we all know, arguments get no more intellectual than on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart is a complete light-weight. I only posted his interview because I found it to be instructive when even a moron, die-hard liberal can see the folly in Obamacare.

Yes, because as we all know, arguments get no more intellectual than on Comedy Central. Jon Stewart is a complete light-weight. I only posted his interview because I found it to be instructive when even a moron, die-hard liberal can see the folly in Obamacare.

Gowd you are such a fuqing moron. Did you actually watch the video you linked to? He basically pounded on her for not being prepared to do something good. Stewart TOTALLY backs Obama Care. You dense fug - you once again posted something that argues against your own post.

The re: what is intellectual - The Stewart video I posted contained a clip from a news program where Boehner admitted that the shutdown was a GOP idea while all over the place they are trying to deny that it is. How much more "intellectual" can you get when you simply repeat someone's own admission that they are a liar. With this clip, there is no interpretation, no ambiguity, he opening admits that the GOP initiated the crisis and that he was forced into this by the Tea Baggers.

But it is no surprise that you missed this or didn't understand the importance of it because you don't have the brain cells to realize that your original post actually makes you look like a fuqing moron.