UCB Manager's are pure scum


I worked for U.C.B. a couple of years ago and I was in the immunology department. I started off #10 in my region and within a year I was #1. Things were going good and after 1 year I won the pinnacle award. The problem started when my boss, his initials are Chris D. started becoming invisible to our team. He used the excuse that his wife had "cancer" he even had a fake phone call at our National Sales Meeting in Anaheim so that we would all feel sorry for him and he had an excuse to leave a day early. He then took a two month hiatus to supposedly spend with his sick wife. We were left with no managers who knew what to do and things got a little chaotic to say the least. I needed to take off some vacation time and when I would call this moron he let everything go to voicemail. Then Chris decides to "come back" to work in July of that year and I also tried reaching out to him and he would not return phone calls. He then started trying to accuse different people on the team, this includes me of not getting things done on time; example; we needed to register for a conference at the USC rheumatology conference and I had never been shown how to do this. Later at a PIM meeting her tried to confront me about this and I let him have it. After that episode he tried to get me into trouble with the HR department at UCB and this backfired big time. I had to go out on sick leave and then I came back with an attorney and went after them. They eventually settled out of court. I hope this P.O.S. is reading this and anyone else associated with UCB because the lawsuit is just the beginning of his troubles. Chris thought he could be sneaky and devious and get away with trying to hurt people at their job but in the end he's the one who got hurt. He also has been accused of being a child molester and I hear that he won't be employed by UCB once the charges have been brought. This is a lesson that he's had to learn and this will only continue. His worse days are ahead of him. Payback is a bitch!! Hopefully other underhanded sales managers will see this and learn that they had better change or face horrible consequences.