

Does it seem odd to anyone else that the HR dude is into everything. Hiring, interviewing, meetings, you can't turn around without running into this guy. Why is he everywhere and why does he have such a big influence on every tiny decision?

Agreed -Think about others in that same position and they don't have 1/10th the power that he does. He's a total waste in terms of his nose in everything. But then again, think about the management in this company

he needs to stay close to every situation so that he is protected. If he was not around as much he would fear what would be brought up against him. There is a lot that people have on him. He plays it smart to stay close to every situation.

nonbiased HR .......PLEASE??!!! He's one of the good ole boys and backs management no matter what. Believe me, I speak from experience. Have to go above his head to get anything accomplished.

He is hands-on, no nonsense ass kicker. complainers should worry. Boom.

I am sorry for the delayed response...I laughed so hard I passed put! You have got to be kidding or drunk, maybe both. Regardless, worthless sims up Our HR.....and lawsuit waiting to come down. Don't you love it when you have the goods on HR and they start to threaten you? Lol, good luck with that U.B.!