U.S. unemployment rises to 9.1%


Friday, June 3, 2011


"A net 54,000 jobs are created in May, less than half what's needed to keep pace with growth in the working-age population. There are indications that temporary factors caused some of that weakness."

"It was the second month in a row that the jobless rate climbed, though: After steadily declining during the winter, the unemployment figure rose from 9% in April and 8.8% in March."

"In recent days, an array of data have pointed to a slowdown in manufacturing and consumer spending, as well as persistent weakness in the depressed housing market."

"Hourly earnings for all employees on private-sector payrolls averaged $22.98 last month, up 41 cents from a year earlier. That 1.8% increase is below the current pace of inflation."

"...the so-called long-term unemployed, jumped to 45.1%, near a record high, from 43.4% in April..."

"You see, it went UP because MY economy is doing SO GREAT, due to ME and MY Harvard genius-brilliance, that MORE people are out looking for SO MANY AVAILABLE JOBS in MY economy. Mostly burgerflipping. SEE, I B Frum Harvurd!" PrezUdent O'Bonkerz, Your King

Friday, June 3, 2011


"A net 54,000 jobs are created in May, less than half what's needed to keep pace with growth in the working-age population. There are indications that temporary factors caused some of that weakness."

"It was the second month in a row that the jobless rate climbed, though: After steadily declining during the winter, the unemployment figure rose from 9% in April and 8.8% in March."

"In recent days, an array of data have pointed to a slowdown in manufacturing and consumer spending, as well as persistent weakness in the depressed housing market."

"Hourly earnings for all employees on private-sector payrolls averaged $22.98 last month, up 41 cents from a year earlier. That 1.8% increase is below the current pace of inflation."

"...the so-called long-term unemployed, jumped to 45.1%, near a record high, from 43.4% in April..."

Thank God LillyPAC supported Senator Reid with big gobs of cash from employees. Man, that really worked out well for Lilly, didn't it!

Any official figures for how many folks were quietly flushed down the poop chute by Eli Lilly and Company?

Friday, June 3, 2011


"A net 54,000 jobs are created in May, less than half what's needed to keep pace with growth in the working-age population. There are indications that temporary factors caused some of that weakness."

"It was the second month in a row that the jobless rate climbed, though: After steadily declining during the winter, the unemployment figure rose from 9% in April and 8.8% in March."

"In recent days, an array of data have pointed to a slowdown in manufacturing and consumer spending, as well as persistent weakness in the depressed housing market."

"Hourly earnings for all employees on private-sector payrolls averaged $22.98 last month, up 41 cents from a year earlier. That 1.8% increase is below the current pace of inflation."

"...the so-called long-term unemployed, jumped to 45.1%, near a record high, from 43.4% in April..."

It's not 23% "unemployment" -- it is "high labor availability"

It's not "weakness in the job market" -- it's "strong pool of candidates available.

Wake up. Your employer and most other employers are enjoying record profitability.

Major US and global corporations are squirreling away trillions of dollars per month while your knuckles turn white, your hair falls out, and your marriage disintegrates.

.....and while O plays golf after proclaiming a resounding success with the auto industry.

.....and while Harry Reid wonders how many hotels and casinos will close in his home state.

.....and while the rest of us wonder if America can survive O and Reid much longer.

.....and while Lilly employees who still contribute to the LillyPAC wonder how silly they must
be to continue throwing money down the democrat black hole of corruption.

.....and while O plays golf after proclaiming a resounding success with the auto industry.

.....and while Harry Reid wonders how many hotels and casinos will close in his home state.

.....and while the rest of us wonder if America can survive O and Reid much longer.

.....and while Lilly employees who still contribute to the LillyPAC wonder how silly they must
be to continue throwing money down the democrat black hole of corruption.

...and get ready for the next Day-Of-$ervitude, Indentured Paid-Volunteer PhotoEvent Extravaganza™...because WE care SO $O MUCH!