TX position

Not sure why he is getting haters on this board, he has been nothing but great. Great as a rep and great as a manager. Works harder then most of us, never forgets details and always follows up, not to mention great in front of customers. Kicked serious ass as a rep and has been an outstanding manager since day one, in a very tough market.
so, great guy to work for...

Not sure why he is getting haters on this board, he has been nothing but great. Great as a rep and great as a manager. Works harder then most of us, never forgets details and always follows up, not to mention great in front of customers. Kicked serious ass as a rep and has been an outstanding manager since day one, in a very tough market.
so, great guy to work for...

You have the same response whenever a manager is getting dogged. Damage control?

The "I've heard" idiots above should check their facts before dragging someone they obviously don't know through the mud. Facts: 2 reps were fired and 2 reps resigned in the past 2 years under RS. The only knock on him is that he hired 2 weak pharma reps that couldn't hack it in diagnostics so they got axed. Having 4 reps win PC and 1 win rookie of the year is no accident; you have to hire right, train right, develop strategies, and give direction, not to mention provide constant encouragement while the company is going down and PeteBob are at the helm. I've worked with him since he started at genoptix and the post about yelling and screaming is 100% false and couldn't be more opposite of his personality. I know the internal ops at genoptix and if there was any shred of evidence this occured there would've been immediate disciplinary action. News flash: no one at this company is perfect! Fact is genoptix likes revenue and RS brought in huge revenue as a sales rep and he's "helping" his team bring in big revenue as a sales mgr.

And "Oh wait", if you get your "insight" from the cafe pharma boards you might think about using the Sci Fi channel or Mrs Cleo's fortune telling abilities as other insightful sources as well.

It is very east to win PC when the plan is based on growing 2 specimen's to 4 and that means you grew business by 100% Come to a 4-6 million dollar territory. Those reps are paying the bills.

Amen!!!!!Called that right, but that's the problem across the country. It is pretty darn easy to be greater than 100% when all you need is 2-4 cases/day!! It's a screwed up system.