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Two Words You Never Hear at Pfizer


I'm a Wyeth-Legacy sales rep. It struck me as I was listening to my manager directing me to make ridiculous claims, without any facts to back it up, that I haven't heard the words "fair balance" the entire time I've been here. We were reminded of this constantly while at Wyeth and were held accountable for selling the benefits without any mention of potential dangers. I decided to do the right thing and inform a doctor about a potential side effect that could be very serious if the situation presented itself. As luck would have it, a doctor asked about a certain patient type that is not appropriate for our drug. I gave him a truthful answer and the doctor actually thanked me for my honesty. I felt vindicated as we headed back to the car, thinking that maybe the a$$hole DBM would see that there is benefit in being honest with our doctors. Oh no, I was ripped up and down both sides and told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't keeping me around to sell our competitor and I had better not do it again. He told me that he had the power to get rid of me at that Pfizer HR is here to take care of Pfizer's interests, so don't think going to them will make any difference. This is the sickest, most unethical bunch of clowns I have ever had the misfortune to work with. I happened to be recording our conversation that day and, from here on out, I am recording everything and sending the good parts to the compliance dept dealing with CIAs at the Justice Dept. I'll just skip the Compliance Hotline and Pfizer HR. I have a friend who reported a huge compliance issue about a sales message that came from the same DBM, with the Regional manager present, to the Compliance Hotline back in November and nothing was done. F*@k You Pfizer!

I'm a Wyeth-Legacy sales rep. It struck me as I was listening to my manager directing me to make ridiculous claims, without any facts to back it up, that I haven't heard the words "fair balance" the entire time I've been here. We were reminded of this constantly while at Wyeth and were held accountable for selling the benefits without any mention of potential dangers. I decided to do the right thing and inform a doctor about a potential side effect that could be very serious if the situation presented itself. As luck would have it, a doctor asked about a certain patient type that is not appropriate for our drug. I gave him a truthful answer and the doctor actually thanked me for my honesty. I felt vindicated as we headed back to the car, thinking that maybe the a$$hole DBM would see that there is benefit in being honest with our doctors. Oh no, I was ripped up and down both sides and told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't keeping me around to sell our competitor and I had better not do it again. He told me that he had the power to get rid of me at that Pfizer HR is here to take care of Pfizer's interests, so don't think going to them will make any difference. This is the sickest, most unethical bunch of clowns I have ever had the misfortune to work with. I happened to be recording our conversation that day and, from here on out, I am recording everything and sending the good parts to the compliance dept dealing with CIAs at the Justice Dept. I'll just skip the Compliance Hotline and Pfizer HR. I have a friend who reported a huge compliance issue about a sales message that came from the same DBM, with the Regional manager present, to the Compliance Hotline back in November and nothing was done. F*@k You Pfizer!

So, you take 15 minutes to post this on CP?? What do you expect anyone to do for you?! Lame.

I'm a Wyeth-Legacy sales rep. It struck me as I was listening to my manager directing me to make ridiculous claims, without any facts to back it up, that I haven't heard the words "fair balance" the entire time I've been here. We were reminded of this constantly while at Wyeth and were held accountable for selling the benefits without any mention of potential dangers. I decided to do the right thing and inform a doctor about a potential side effect that could be very serious if the situation presented itself. As luck would have it, a doctor asked about a certain patient type that is not appropriate for our drug. I gave him a truthful answer and the doctor actually thanked me for my honesty. I felt vindicated as we headed back to the car, thinking that maybe the a$$hole DBM would see that there is benefit in being honest with our doctors. Oh no, I was ripped up and down both sides and told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't keeping me around to sell our competitor and I had better not do it again. He told me that he had the power to get rid of me at that Pfizer HR is here to take care of Pfizer's interests, so don't think going to them will make any difference. This is the sickest, most unethical bunch of clowns I have ever had the misfortune to work with. I happened to be recording our conversation that day and, from here on out, I am recording everything and sending the good parts to the compliance dept dealing with CIAs at the Justice Dept. I'll just skip the Compliance Hotline and Pfizer HR. I have a friend who reported a huge compliance issue about a sales message that came from the same DBM, with the Regional manager present, to the Compliance Hotline back in November and nothing was done. F*@k You Pfizer!

ha. I was expecting to read just two words...little long winded (and likely bullshit).

Pfizer preaches "fair balance" and compliance CONSTANTLY.....as with most clowns on this site you make a blanket statement about the entire company based off one DM and one experience....but hey, if you recorded your DM saying all that then he/she will be gone tomorrow....too bad we all know all you didn't

Although the OP may be a bit dramatic, I too have had similar experiences with my DBM. Fair Balance may be hammered into us in our compliance modules and quizzes, but it definitely has fallen upon the deaf ears of my manager.

Wyeth really wasn't that much better either on the field manager level either, to be fair and balanced about this. But, my Pfizer DM is really bad about it. Worse than my past Wyeth DMs for sure.

Wow...can anyone say Anger Issues? If you were recording the conversation, you were one of those negative do-nothings that was already on the way out of the company anyway.

Not sure if you selected the right company board? IS gets hammered with fair balance, I know of 14 reps written up for failing to include fair balance in presentations. Sorry you have a bad DBM but don’t throw the rest under the bus.

I'm a Wyeth-Legacy sales rep. It struck me as I was listening to my manager directing me to make ridiculous claims, without any facts to back it up, that I haven't heard the words "fair balance" the entire time I've been here. We were reminded of this constantly while at Wyeth and were held accountable for selling the benefits without any mention of potential dangers. I decided to do the right thing and inform a doctor about a potential side effect that could be very serious if the situation presented itself. As luck would have it, a doctor asked about a certain patient type that is not appropriate for our drug. I gave him a truthful answer and the doctor actually thanked me for my honesty. I felt vindicated as we headed back to the car, thinking that maybe the a$$hole DBM would see that there is benefit in being honest with our doctors. Oh no, I was ripped up and down both sides and told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't keeping me around to sell our competitor and I had better not do it again. He told me that he had the power to get rid of me at that Pfizer HR is here to take care of Pfizer's interests, so don't think going to them will make any difference. This is the sickest, most unethical bunch of clowns I have ever had the misfortune to work with. I happened to be recording our conversation that day and, from here on out, I am recording everything and sending the good parts to the compliance dept dealing with CIAs at the Justice Dept. I'll just skip the Compliance Hotline and Pfizer HR. I have a friend who reported a huge compliance issue about a sales message that came from the same DBM, with the Regional manager present, to the Compliance Hotline back in November and nothing was done. F*@k You Pfizer!

You want Fair Balance...watch Fox News Channel

The two words are "thank you". "Thank you" for selling old drugs that have no advantage over any other drugs. "Thank you" for putting up with uncertainty and poor leadership. "Thank you" for understanding that we don't know how to invent new drugs. "Thank you" for believing that your $52 stock options will someday have value....well those are just a few examples of the 2 words that you never hear.

I'm a Wyeth-Legacy sales rep. It struck me as I was listening to my manager directing me to make ridiculous claims, without any facts to back it up, that I haven't heard the words "fair balance" the entire time I've been here. We were reminded of this constantly while at Wyeth and were held accountable for selling the benefits without any mention of potential dangers. I decided to do the right thing and inform a doctor about a potential side effect that could be very serious if the situation presented itself. As luck would have it, a doctor asked about a certain patient type that is not appropriate for our drug. I gave him a truthful answer and the doctor actually thanked me for my honesty. I felt vindicated as we headed back to the car, thinking that maybe the a$$hole DBM would see that there is benefit in being honest with our doctors. Oh no, I was ripped up and down both sides and told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't keeping me around to sell our competitor and I had better not do it again. He told me that he had the power to get rid of me at that Pfizer HR is here to take care of Pfizer's interests, so don't think going to them will make any difference. This is the sickest, most unethical bunch of clowns I have ever had the misfortune to work with. I happened to be recording our conversation that day and, from here on out, I am recording everything and sending the good parts to the compliance dept dealing with CIAs at the Justice Dept. I'll just skip the Compliance Hotline and Pfizer HR. I have a friend who reported a huge compliance issue about a sales message that came from the same DBM, with the Regional manager present, to the Compliance Hotline back in November and nothing was done. F*@k You Pfizer!

Two other words not heard in a long time at Pfizer...NEW DISCOVERY

easy. the reason why no one worries about fair balance is because they haven't been forced to like wyeth and merck who have been neck deep in lawsuits for the last many years.