

Why is the turnover so high with your company? I'm trying to get back in to ophthalmology sales so I try to keep up with the various companies and it seems like you guys have a lot of positions open. Is it because people are leaving or does management get rid of reps that easily?

Also, did you guys B&L? I thought I saw something about that.

People leave b/c xivrom went generic. & yes MGT full of a-holes (S.R. Regional, puke) & dm's are trained by them. ISTA H
has a bad reputation in eye care community no one wa
Ts anything to do with them.

it is really high. i have never worked for a company where reps leave every week. sometimes several a week. i bet turnover is going to be almost 40-50% this year. that is extreme. i think it just says it is not a very employee friendly company. if the job market was better I bet it would verge on 75% turnover this year.