Why are there consistent territory representative openings on the West Coast?
Why are there consistent territory representative openings on the West Coast?
Most of the openings ZOLL has are because of expansion. ZOLL is a fast growing company. The stats listed here are ridiculous and untrue. Turnover is around 20% which isn't that high for a company growing as fast as we are. People are just ridiculous.
Most of the openings ZOLL has are because of expansion. ZOLL is a fast growing company. The stats listed here are ridiculous and untrue. Turnover is around 20% which isn't that high for a company growing as fast as we are. People are just ridiculous.
Most of the openings ZOLL has are because of expansion. ZOLL is a fast growing company. The stats listed here are ridiculous and untrue. Turnover is around 20% which isn't that high for a company growing as fast as we are. People are just ridiculous.
Anyone who believes this statement and accepts a job here absolutely deserves the misery that they will soon see after starting. If anybody is stupid enough to even look at a position with this company let alone accept it after everything that is on this website, then they deserve all of the consequences. The only people that accept acposition with ZOLL life vest right now are people that have either been laid off and are jobless from pharmaceuticals, or degenerate management from other companies that got fired or pushed out and landed here. Why is this all that Zoll hires anymore? (laid off drug reps and shitty managers from other companies), I'll tell you why, because it's the only people that this company can get to the accept these positions anymore here. Expansion? Ya ok. Splitting territories that do not need to be split and hiring somebody even when there's no growth is not expansion! This company cracks me up. I challenge anybody looking at this company for a position to talk to the cardiologists and at least 3 to 4 territory managers that have either quit or been pushed out in the Western area or anywhere in the country for that matter. Do your homework and don't be a fool!
thank you. It's my experience that they also call turn over "expansion" in my area. They have had a lot of "expansion" which is replacing reps that left. This place is hilarious on how they spin things.
heck nevermind churn-n-burn of TM' about the turnover in regional management and area directors.
So true, it's not just churn and burn of the reps also managers. When I was hired I was told that the manager was in place for a year and a half. BIG FAT LIE. Now after being here and talking with people, I found out that there have been 3 managers in this role in the past 18 months. Oh yea the manager that told me he was here a year and a half, found out it's only been about 6 months. Why does everyone at this company lie so much? I'm s disappointed that I joined this company. I believed the lies and thought it would be different. Come to find out it's exactly as shared on this board. I've come to realize that they don't care if everyone leaves. Think about it, if they only pay you on what you sell, and they are always doing negative adjustments. If the claim gets resolved some time in the future, the company gets the money but the rep who sold the vest during that time is already gone. Since you didn't sell the vest you don't get the money either. It looks like the company wants turn over as this way they don't ever have to pay the commissions to a sales rep as they have already managed the rep out for "poor Performance".