Turning into Big Pharma


1st signature by 9am, last signature after 4pm.
It’s our fault sales aren’t where they should be.
It has nothing to do with deductibles, lack of coverage or outrageous copays
Now I’m chasing sigs instead of sales

They should be pulling reps from the field like other companies are doing. It’s irresponsible to be sending reps office to office possibly transmitting the Coronavirus. That’s not helpful for employees, offices or patients. Signatures should be the least of their worries right now. A lot of health systems have already started shutting reps and unessential personnel out

1st signature by 9am, last signature after 4pm.
It’s our fault sales aren’t where they should be.
It has nothing to do with deductibles, lack of coverage or outrageous copays
Now I’m chasing sigs instead of sales
You chose to be a rep. You'll get those signatures, and do it with a smile. Next, we're going to track your vehicles. Soon, you won't need those signatures.

You chose to be a rep. You'll get those signatures, and do it with a smile. Next, we're going to track your vehicles. Soon, you won't need those signatures.

Tracking vehicles that they give a car allowance for? Yeah right... that’s not happening. Maybe with company cars but Amarin is too cheap for those