Turn on Law and Order Special Victims Unit on NBC Now! They are ripping us from the headlines!


Anyone watching Law and Order Special Victims Unit on NBC right now? They are ripping the Oxy story from the headlines right now. Complete with an aggressive sexy drug rep who did not graduate from college and works to “make the doctors happy” so they prescribe more.

I hope Purdue or another company or someone sues this show or network for broadcasting this trash! I know it’s exaggerated for TV, but come on! Two female drug reps making out and asking the doctor to double his Oxy order before their 3some? Drug reps without college degrees? Giving out samples with no signature at a dinner program? Hospitality suites at the dinner program for reps to take the docs upstairs for sex?
Someone please sue NBC for this hatchet job.

I hope Purdue or another company or someone sues this show or network for broadcasting this trash! I know it’s exaggerated for TV, but come on! Two female drug reps making out and asking the doctor to double his Oxy order before their 3some? Drug reps without college degrees? Giving out samples with no signature at a dinner program? Hospitality suites at the dinner program for reps to take the docs upstairs for sex?
Someone please sue NBC for this hatchet job.

If every company sued L&O based on the stories being similar to real life (to my knowledge, no Purdue reps were dispersed to hospitality suites for sex), then L&O would never have stayed on TV for so many years.

Get over it!!

Btw, there's been many other shows that have portrayed similar story lines to what PP did in real life.

None of them could ever come close to the real stories from PP. No TV writer is devious or malicious enough to resemble the antics of PP.

I hope Purdue or another company or someone sues this show or network for broadcasting this trash! I know it’s exaggerated for TV, but come on! Two female drug reps making out and asking the doctor to double his Oxy order before their 3some? Drug reps without college degrees? Giving out samples with no signature at a dinner program? Hospitality suites at the dinner program for reps to take the docs upstairs for sex?
Someone please sue NBC for this hatchet job.

Sorry, I know of at least one rep who worked a few years at Purdue w/o a college degree. It wasn't until a former lover went to HR and turned her in. When confronted about the status of the degree, she lied and said she had it. She was fired for lying