TSRs = safe!!!


Um... TSRs are Overpaid... So what specialist will they call on??? Urologists??? LOL...

They will be promoted to a glorified Senior Rep!! LOL

You hit the nail on the head. In areas where there are two TSR's, one will be sent packing and the other will be busted down to call on high volume prescribers as a DSR.

We are definitely safe in Indy. Our great leader has made us a specialize strike force. We play by our own rules. Good luck to you pathetic PHR's.

signed, TSR task Force.

We are definitely safe in Indy. Our great leader has made us a specialize strike force. We play by our own rules. Good luck to you pathetic PHR's.

signed, TSR task Force.

Yeah, right. The only thing you strike is your dick. Specialized strike force my ass.....I almost pissed my knickers laughing.

Hard to believe there are still gullible morons like you in this company.

TSR is used interchangeably. Are talking about TSR as we have seen in IS and DoD. Or are we talking DSR that we see in PC. Just trying to clarify. Sad since we have had socmany different names for this position and don't know what to do with it.

The general idea of TSRs is nice. PHRs have someone to go to other than DBM for stupid questions. My DBM is such a prick I wouldn't ask him what time it is.
That said, why are they paid $120k to talk to a specialist? Why can't PHRs call on specialists like we did 15 years ago?My team has one TSR and she is a good go-to person, but no one knows what she does in the field.

Many DSRs call on pcp, and PHRs call on specialists.

It's just a promotion for being good at your job, either through performance or by ass kissing.

Quit being such haters.

Be thankful there's a promoted move that doesn't involve being a hated manager or moving to the Peoples Republic of New York HQ.

All TSRs/DSRs are "floaters" (i.e. either displaced altogether or placed in a vacant PHR position. They'll have to post and compete for a promoted position to fix the snafu that occurred last time.

TSR is used interchangeably. Are talking about TSR as we have seen in IS and DoD. Or are we talking DSR that we see in PC. Just trying to clarify. Sad since we have had socmany different names for this position and don't know what to do with it.

why don't you tsr's just off yourselves-you bring zero to our company-engage a huge zero bar in your faces

DSR here. Call on 106 physicians. 9 are PCP overlaps to support PHRs. PHRs also overlap on 10 of my specialists where I need their share of voice.

While there are some really good PHRs who in the future will be promoted, most new reps or long tenured PHRs either do not want the added responsibilities of other duties delegated to DSRs by management, (guest training, regional office training, reports, etc etc) or simply have not displayed the skill sets management is looking for promotion. That's not to say that they are not good in front of their customers or do not meet their sales numbers. Today's rep job is way more than what it used to be back in the day. You've got iCUE, ADAM, TCL, OVERLAP and a dozen other reports that you have to sift through on a weekly basis. (I'm not even going to mention the other reports that DBMs have to go through) The managed care world has also changed. You can't just show up, rattle off a 30-sec message and expect to see the scripts pouring in like in the old days. 30-50% of the scripts your physicians write are switched to generics due to coverage restrictions.

I believe there is going to be some big shake up in the A-Side this Thursday. The bulk of the A-Side DSR $ revenue was coming from the cardiologists or internist/cardiologist. You take that out of the picture and most territories will be reduced in optimal call and dollar volume from anywhere between 50 to 75%. These promoted reps may be shifted down to calling on the bulk of the PCPs with a mix of the pulmonologists (spiriva, chantix), urologists, (viagra, detrol, toviaz). The Psych TSR may also be integrated into Primary Care to promote Pristiq and Geodon as well as assist on PCPs. The B-side will also see reductions if there are significant overlaps such as 2 DSRS in the same territory or a DSR/PHR that overlap the entire TCL. Some B-Side reps will also move to the other side along with Pristiq if the territory requires it. Performance, geography, experience on certain products will all play factors in the decision making process.

Anyways, good luck to all of you DSRs/TSRs/PHRs/L-King and L-Wyeth. Remember, if you are a hard worker and bring value to your employer, there will always be a job. When one door closes, another opens.

My HR contact told me that TSR pay is being scrutinized. They don't prefer specialist call by this group but they're stuck at present. Their idea is to cut TSR pay by 15-20% & have them call on physicians of all disciplines b/c the majority of primary care reps already call on specialists. Fantastic idea, as they do exactly what I do. It's really a worthless position that adds absolutely no value to our bottom line. Hell, the majority of them KNOW they're raping the company but they do it anyway. Lots of character in these individuals, huh? What goes around comes around.

All we need is reps. Not specialty, not highly trained. Just people who work honestly. Is that too much to ask?

My HR contact told me that TSR pay is being scrutinized. They don't prefer specialist call by this group but they're stuck at present. Their idea is to cut TSR pay by 15-20% & have them call on physicians of all disciplines b/c the majority of primary care reps already call on specialists. Fantastic idea, as they do exactly what I do. It's really a worthless position that adds absolutely no value to our bottom line. Hell, the majority of them KNOW they're raping the company but they do it anyway. Lots of character in these individuals, huh? What goes around comes around.

All we need is reps. Not specialty, not highly trained. Just people who work honestly. Is that too much to ask?

B.S. Post. You are an angry PHR who was never promoted or laid off. Please
Go away. There are PHRs that are making more than TSRs.

Honest post. You're a TSR who knows s/he's being paid too much - and u have no desire to see the good times end. Scared, huh? Tell ur DM that u feel guilty and that it's not right to pay u your salary. It's okay to take less (u are taking, BTW, not truly earning). No one will suffer.

There's zero need for TSRs. Every day, regular reps can - and do - do the same thing, day after day. Cut out the TSR role completely.

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