Truth Serum


There is no better truth serum than alcohol, and I have a feeling the truth is going to come out in Vegas when a few reps get some drinks in them. You-know-who better watch out, because there is an angry sales crew that has had enough.

Vegas? this company has not trained the reps on anything and they are wasting our time flying us in for a day and a half? the half day being a pool party???? for an awards ceremony when 3/4ths of the country has NO reimbursement?


Top Rep Award: Cocktail Wienie
2nd Place: A MWF that actually works
3rd Place: A stiff hand shake

Two P Club Groups - One for the 3 reps that actually have reimbursement
- One for the other 117 that have nothing paid for

Group 1: P Club Trip: Branchburg, MD - You get to stay at the Best Western for 2 days and 1 night- Dinner at Cheesecake.

Group 2: NOTHING

I actually interviewed with ACell. I decided not to take the position when the hiring manager refused to give me any sales reps to speak with that were currently working for ACell. He just kept saying do you want the position or not. I need your decision. Best decision I ever made was to walk away!!!

What about the ACell website. More unfinished wound pics with NO healing time frames. What is ACell marketing doing??? What is anybody doing all day at ACell Corporate??? Nothing but unfinished wounds on EVERYTHING. Are you kidding me, how are you supposed to use unfinished wound pictures for selling. Who is the GENIUS behind this??? Who is the GENIUS that approves this???

Seriously! No clinicals, no literature to use or an explanation on how to use what there is to actually use. A brochure? That is soooo hard to put together. Dropbox is a total waste. Hey ACell, why don't you take off the single patient case studies that are incomplete. Were sick and tired of constantly scrolling for which one to use because we don't know what is finished and presentable and what isn't. WHAT INCOMPETENCE!!!!!

What are you talking about. THIS IS SITE SPECIFIC HEALING! These goofs make more unsubstantiated claims than any disgruntled rep I have ever spoken too. USE 7K of product on an anchilles! REAL SMART.


This thread is called "Truth Serum." The word truth isn't in the manual at ACell. "You KNOW Who" is a habitual liar and deceiving. He lies to his own people constantly. How self centered can you be.

This company is a joke. Half the sales force is on the verge of leaving because upper level mamagement has not a clue in hell what they are doing. The director of sales shouldn't be in charge of an ant farm much less leading a group of salespeople. The only way this company succeeds is to start over with new leadership. If you really want to succeed at this company, carry a Louis Vuitton bag and do "NOTHING"

To good to let this classic slip away!!!!!!!!

The sad part there actually some very decent reps who have signed on because the spinners of this company sold them on al the BS they could possibly feed them. Totally agree a shake up needs to happen at the upper echelon, bring real people who know how to get them job done. then again they have to pay the big bucks and just won't.

It makes you question the executive leadership of the company for them to pick this guy to run the sales team. In all my years of medical sales, I've never seen less credibility out of a national sales director, and management. The sales force has absolutely no belief in the company, management, marketing, etc. A typical sales rep comes on board at acell, excited about some magic they saw from a few pictures before they were hired and were told all this BS from the sales director. The first month they try to break into some hospitals, get in front a few surgeons. All while being told that everyone around the country is doing a 100k a month. The second month they realize everything they were told is BS, and maybe 1 person is doing 100k a month. The average is 25k a month in sales, and the average salary is truly 40k a year for the sales reps. They provide no base, and if they do, it will only last 3 months, and they will not tell you that when you get hired. And at month three, everyone realizes what a sham this company is, and regrets coming on board. The senior leadership is just trying to get some sales numbers, and then get their IPO money and churn and burn the sales staff to get their numbers. If there are 100 sales rep, I would guess 90-95 would have extremely negative comments about the company. Vegas here we come!

I say, for the few of you that aren't looking to leave, everyone put their resume out there. Let them do it themselves. The only thing that is keeping this company from collapsing is the fact that it is a slim job market currently. ACell could give a crap about us, why should we bust our ass everyday for them.

these threads are becoming tiresome. some folks actually come here to scout out and learn about various companies and their products, but instead its just a bunch of belly aching. so you have beef with the guy that fired you. that's a shame. get over it and move on. all the negative nancy comments about one guy is really distracting for those of us trying to learn about the company, and waters down the quality of this site for all those who use it.

these threads are becoming tiresome. some folks actually come here to scout out and learn about various companies and their products, but instead its just a bunch of belly aching. so you have beef with the guy that fired you. that's a shame. get over it and move on. all the negative nancy comments about one guy is really distracting for those of us trying to learn about the company, and waters down the quality of this site for all those who use it.

"Belly aching"? "Negative nancy comments"? This has to be from management, because no rep in the country would post this. And if the person posting the above is not management, and if they truly are scouting out this company, hopefully he has learned enough not to come here. If he is stupid enough to call this belly-aching, then I can't wait to see him get hired and then listen what he has to say in three months.

And since when did cafepharma become a "quality" site?

these threads are becoming tiresome. some folks actually come here to scout out and learn about various companies and their products, but instead its just a bunch of belly aching. so you have beef with the guy that fired you. that's a shame. get over it and move on. all the negative nancy comments about one guy is really distracting for those of us trying to learn about the company, and waters down the quality of this site for all those who use it.

Really. Are you serious. Read the title of the thread. You didn't come on here to learn about a company and their products. You are management and you insult the intelligence of the people who work here. This is the problem, you think all of your employees are idiots. Nice try.

The fact that this company mOnitors this site is great. A true testament to what real device companies / managers would not do. Typical distributor actions. The fact you actually address learning is a JOKE. Le us know when you actually have something to teach. There are 120 reps that have been waiting a couple years now. Any other comments?

Here's the best one, Sr. Management doesn't understand why they can't get people to "GET THIS DONE." Maybe when you can acknowledge 90% of the country has no reimbursement? R U really that naive to be asking that question??? Do you want your sales force to sell Matristem? How can we do that when 80% of the company has never sold a biologic before and nobody knows what the hell to say when they are asked what the differences are by their doctors between our product and competitive products. Did you genius's ever think of investing into training the reps? First, you should start by training yourselves. What IGNORENCE. You enjoying your salaries? You have a PRP salesmen training reps on a scientific product who has never even seen a reconstruction case before. You all are SICKENING.

We ALL can't wait for the Q&A session at the NSM. Or is Upper MGMT to stupid to understand that this is a standard part of a NSM. OOPS, we probably won't have enough time in the intensive TRAINING SESSIONS that I am sure will be scheduled in a WHOLE DAY AND A HALF.

Do us all a favor and spare us your ONE STATE or ONE PATIENT SUCCESS STORY. Try and give us something that is NOT OFF LABEL>