Truth about Supernus


I have read most all of the messages posted on here. Is the training really that bad? I certainly don't mind working hard to learn everything I need to know about selling this product, but pitbulls.....really? GPS tracking systems? Micromanaging? Wow! Sounds like I made a bad decision. Is there any good feedback about working for Supernus?

Basically the feedback you get on here is all negatives. Some are true but if you look at any company's anonymous board you will see the same thing(angry employees venting about anything they can).

That said, there are a lot of pros working here. If you perform the money is good, training is intense but it's needed to get you real world ready. As always there is going to be a difference between what happens in the field and how corporate training lays out your game plan. But for the most part if you follow it you will be successful. And finally it is pretty cool to be apart of building a company, brand, and 2 new products.

I'm not sure what you mean by pitbulls, but the GPS is a rumor I'm pretty sure. Some managers can be micromanaging, it's not too bad, if you embrace it more than you fight back your life will be much easier.

pretty much all the managers drink the corporate juice. Majority are micro managers but with any sales job get on your managers good side. Smile alot, say Supernus is the best thing since slice bread, tell success stories and bring ideas to conference calls and you will be the golden child....

It just seems like some of this should be explained during the interviewing process. Some of us left really good sales jobs thinking this would be a great way to get in the industry! Oh well!! Hope it works out!