Truth about Buyout rumors


Late last week, "Benginza" (a well respected financial news web site) reported for people to be aware that a group of Pernix investors were calling around multiple news outlets saying Pernix was about to get bought out. They targeted many financial news media outlets. Most of them disgarded the rumor as false info (aka - pump and dump scheme) and did not print or report this false rumor.

However, one site located in Spain did listen to the callers and decided to report and print on their web site this false rumor. Now no serious investor or large buying institution paid any attention to a Spanish speaking web site.... especially since Benginza (whom they all respect) DID report that this very scheme was happening (as Benginza was also contacted by these group of investors working together to get a false buyout rumor reported).

However, the novice investors on Stocktwits jumped all over the Spanish web site news report of a buyout and flooded the message board on Stocktwits with buyout proclamations. Some which are still being reported on that site by them today.

We all now know as Benginza reported and warned us, that this was a scheme. A pump and dump. And that is exactly what happened this week. And many people left holding the bag today as the stock has tanked.

Benzinga warned everyone. And since the only site to believe the rumor was the Spanish speaking web site, many Stocktwitters fell for it.

You seriously think stocktwits was responsible for 40 million shares of PTX trading on a single day? What are you smoking?

Oh no, it was mosst likely company selling more ATM shares into the market place capitalizing on the higher stock prices. Company was not part of the false rumor, but Sedor was most likely smart enough to realize it was great opportunity to cash in on higher price.

Smart man that understands he must do what it takes to improve the balance sheet.

Wall St Grinder is that you again posting non stop here you loser!
Oh no, it was mosst likely company selling more ATM shares into the market place capitalizing on the higher stock prices. Company was not part of the false rumor, but Sedor was most likely smart enough to realize it was great opportunity to cash in on higher price.

Smart man that understands he must do what it takes to improve the balance sheet.

Hey Grinder here,

Went to church this morning and preist was talking about deceiving people.

I have to come clean. I lost a lot of money being long in PTX from 2$ to 0.40$. When it went back to 0.60 I didn't go short but I've been upset since then that things have been turning around and seem to be getting better. I was mostly saying bad things because I'm upset and I seem to be losing money no matter what I do.

This will be my last post here. I appologise for creating chaos. There's actually a good chance I will buy back some ptx tomorrow.

The WS Grinder

Hey Grinder here,

Went to church this morning and preist was talking about deceiving people.

I have to come clean. I lost a lot of money being long in PTX from 2$ to 0.40$. W
hen it went back to 0.60 I didn't go short but I've been upset
since then that things have been turning around and seem to be getting better. I was mostly saying bad things because I'm upset and I seem to be losing money no matter what I do.

This will be my last post here. I appologise for creating chaos. There's actually a good chance I will buy back some ptx tomorrow


The WS Grinder

LOL.. the real Wall Street Grinder did not post above. I do not know why the above poster has so much hate and obsession with me - as I wish everyone only the best. Like I mentioned several times. I am no longer in Pernix. Sold when it peaked last month. I have no ill will for any investor stuck in this stock and hope they can get out with a profit.

I also wish the sales reps that actually work at Pernix only the best in turning around this company.

All the best

The WS Grinder

LOL.. the real Wall Street Grinder did not post above. I do not know why the above poster has so much hate and obsession with me - as I wish everyone only the best. Like I mentioned several times. I am no longer in Pernix. Sold when it peaked last month. I have no ill will for any investor stuck in this stock and hope they can get out with a profit.

I also wish the sales reps that actually work at Pernix only the best in turning around this company.

All the best

The WS Grinder