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Trump Will Appoint Scott Pruitt To EPA And Crush Global Warming MYTH


Global Warming Is the biggest FRAUD, but along comes Trump and POOF.....The wasted Money will be diverted to REAL causes in America

Donald Trump Expected to tap Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt to Head EPA


The Associated Press

by BREITBART NEWS7 Dec 20165


WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump is expected to nominate Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, a source close to Pruitt said Wednesday. Environmental groups quickly denounced the choice.

Pruitt, 48, has been a reliable booster of the fossil fuel industry and an outspoken critic of what he derides as the EPA’s “activist agenda.”

The person close to Pruitt who provided the information about Trump’s pick spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly.

Though his academic degrees are in political science and law, Pruitt has been a vocal public denier of the overwhelming consensus of the world’s climate scientists that the Earth is warming and that man-made carbon emissions are to blame. In an opinion article published earlier this year by National Review, Pruitt suggested that the debate over global warming “is far from settled” and claimed “scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind.”

Representing his state as attorney general since 2011, Pruitt has repeatedly sued the EPA to roll back environmental regulations and public health protections. He joined with other Republican attorneys general in opposing the Clean Power Plan, which seeks to limit planet-warming carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants. Pruitt has argued that curbing carbon emissions would trample the sovereignty of state governments, drive up electricity rates, threaten the reliability of the nation’s power grid and “create economic havoc.”

He also filed court briefs in support of the Keystone XL Pipeline project blocked by the Obama administration, which would have run through his state. Pruitt also sued the EPA over the agency’s recently expansion of water bodies regulated under the federal Clean Water Act, which has been opposed by industries that would be forced to clean up contaminated wastewater.

“Respect for private property rights have allowed our nation to thrive, but with the recently finalized rule, farmers, ranchers, developers, industry and individual property owners will now be subject to the unpredictable, unsound and often byzantine regulatory regime of the EPA,” Pruitt said last year.

As word of Pruitt’s nomination spread Wednesday, environmental groups quickly responded with condemnation.

“Scott Pruitt has built his political career by trying to undermine EPA’s mission of environmental protection,” said Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund. “He is a deeply troubling choice to head the agency that protects the clean air all Americans breathe and the clean water we drink.”

Business leaders in his home state, however, lauded Pruitt’s selection, especially those in the oil and gas industry.

“Scott Pruitt is a businessman and public servant and understands the impact regulation and legislation have in the business world,” said Jeffrey McDougall, chairman of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association. “His appointment will put rational and reasonable regulation at the forefront.”



So did Mitt get played put .....Trump respects loyalty and barring any late breaking findings ..RUDY is next Secretary of State. If he isn't then Trump found out something about his international cyber security company.... as of today word is it's "America's Mayor" Trump states he won't personally have any thing to do with Hillary's indictment BUT Rudy will....There's a massive corruption investigation 1000Xs bigger than watergate, It involves DOZENS of branches including the White House and you watch the skinny smoking snake Obama get thoroughly investigated and possibly prosecuted for treason among other things...Why do you think this snake is being so quiet lately SOON we will see justice served and the swamp will be drained. Certain people Trump will hire, WILL be trying to manipulate and deceive Trump. When Trump uncovers it which he will, they will be discarded and fired.....Trump will build the finest political machine that EVER existed ...It may take some fine tuning and tweeking but in the end it will be devastating to left wing lunatics who will eventually cave in to the power of the right.

Trumps just going through the motions with these Idiots. He knows they represent the complete opposite of his platform and NOTHING will come out of it for them including the sanctuary city mayors who will buckle at prospect of losing ALL PAST and future Federal funds !!


Just another religious idiot that takes religious superstition seriously but not scientific facts about Man made global warming.

"Our religious freedoms are under constant attack from a variety of groups who seek to undermine our constitutional rights and threaten our founding principles"

You fools have made global warming a religion. How much money has Gore made off this hoax. Take a look. Lemmings to a cliff. Idiots.


Just another religious idiot that takes religious superstition seriously but not scientific facts about Man made global warming.

"Our religious freedoms are under constant attack from a variety of groups who seek to undermine our constitutional rights and threaten our founding principles"

Didn't Kerry say that your air conditioner is a bigger threat than Isis? My god I can't make this shit up. Then you wonder why nobody takes your global warming seriously when you say stupid shit like this. Don't be mad at Pruitt when he calls your rhetoric what it is, pure bullshit. Are you saying we need to worry about terrorist attacks from air conditioners? Are there lone wolf air conditioners planning attacks on America? Sure..keep beating the global warming drum. You continue to validate my vote for Trump. Air conditioners..what stupidity

Didn't Kerry say that your air conditioner is a bigger threat than Isis? My god I can't make this shit up. Then you wonder why nobody takes your global warming seriously when you say stupid shit like this. Don't be mad at Pruitt when he calls your rhetoric what it is, pure bullshit. Are you saying we need to worry about terrorist attacks from air conditioners? Are there lone wolf air conditioners planning attacks on America? Sure..keep beating the global warming drum. You continue to validate my vote for Trump. Air conditioners..what stupidity

Hey, as long as the stock market keeps going up - that's all that matters, right? :cool::cool::cool:

You fools have made global warming a religion. How much money has Gore made off this hoax. Take a look. Lemmings to a cliff. Idiots.

How so my good person? We do not base Man Made Global Warming on religious superstition but on scientific facts and observation. As for all religions, that is the biggest hoax ever brought on by man for man. U dig?

How so my good person? We do not base Man Made Global Warming on religious superstition but on scientific facts and observation. As for all religions, that is the biggest hoax ever brought on by man for man. U dig?

We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves and you're doing a real number on yourself right now.

Bogus models, faked data, the ignoring of contradictory data, the ignoring of common sense and observation and a jihad against those who think differently and dissent, that's not legitimate science and this is what global warming is based upon. If there wasn't an associated scheme to try control others, deny their freedom and drive up their cost of living and drive down their standard of living then you could enjoy your little false religion and nobody would really care.

You try to claim the mantle of science when you know precious little about real science and virtually nothing about logical thinking.

The wise realize that the global warming hoax is nothing but sheep's clothing for the wolf of tyranny and socialism. Thanks, but I'm not into false religions, I'm into truth, the ultimate version of which is found in the Bible.
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