Trump To Kill High Priced Drugs


"In addition to his replacement plan for the ACA, also known as Obamacare, Trump said he will target pharmaceutical companies over drug prices and demand that they negotiate directly with Medicaid and Medicare. “They’re politically protected, but not anymore,” he said of pharmaceutical companies."

"In addition to his replacement plan for the ACA, also known as Obamacare, Trump said he will target pharmaceutical companies over drug prices and demand that they negotiate directly with Medicaid and Medicare. “They’re politically protected, but not anymore,” he said of pharmaceutical companies."

Long overdue. Pharma lacks social responsibility although they spout their BS about their concern for patients. Profits are what drive this business, not patients.
They've been ripping off patients for too long. Time to pay the piper.

Long overdue. Pharma lacks social responsibility although they spout their BS about their concern for patients. Profits are what drive this business, not patients.
They've been ripping off patients for too long. Time to pay the piper.
I agree on some of the concerns around price but you are NOT entitled! Pharmaceutical companies have a right to make a profit, that's free enterprise. Life expectancy has risen over the years because of the industry and what it has done. People spend more on liquor and cigarettes over all pharmaceuticals combined. Learn your shit before spewing your angry disgruntled rhetoric!

Trumps not out to get Pharma. He'll negotiate prices and mainly school company's like Gilead Hep C And others who price gouged. The 20% corporate tax decrease and reorganization of the FDA and regulations will actually benefit Pharma and especially Bio Sims. Stop the "Sky's falling for Pharma" BS. Only uninformed folks talk this crap. Show Trump respect and understand here's here to HELP ALL workers in ALL sectors ! We are all mad at Pharma and Trump is too, but he will FIX the many problems EASILY. Thanks for voting Trump dude. We're all in this thing together.


Pharma tax rates are already low due to lawsuits and R&D. BMS is in the low 20%. FDA regs are codified and will take years to change... the FDA culture will take even longer. FDA is notoriously immune to political pressure. Keep dreaming..,

Pharma tax rates are already low due to lawsuits and R&D. BMS is in the low 20%. FDA regs are codified and will take years to change... the FDA culture will take even longer. FDA is notoriously immune to political pressure. Keep dreaming..,

The FDA is part of the swamp and it will be purged and drained so fast your little head will spin. The FDA never encountered a force like Trump. You sound weak bro

Pharma was a big supporter of ACA because it was granted huge sweetners. They will be gone upon repeal. Bristol's new drug clinical pipeline is one of the weakest in the industry. FDA changes, even though unlikely, will be irrelevant for them. BMY will be down another 20% by the end of 2017. So far all we have seen is Trump filling the swamp, including the Oval Office.