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Trump continues to attack his own AG


Well-Known Member
Good Tuesday morning folks. I'm happy to report that DT continues his attack on AG Sessions, the AG w/ the shit-eatin' grin. As we know Jeff baby is a deep-state plant and DT now wants to fire him but it wouldn't look good so he's taken the tact of insulting him daily as he tries to get him to resign. How long will this last? Hickory dickory dock. A mouse ran up the clock. Tick tock, tick tock! :cool:
Donald J. Trump
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!
3:12 AM - 25 Jul 2017

The Twitter barrage continues as Trump is considering firing Sessions, who was the first sitting U.S. senator to endorse the celebrity real estate mogul during the campaign. But Trump is upset that Sessions recused himself from all campaign-related investigations, including the probe into whether any Trump associates colluded with Russia during the campaign. And though the campaign ended more than eight months ago, Trump has repeatedly tried to turn the Russia spotlight back to Clinton.

During the campaign, Trump constantly attacked Clinton as “crooked” and hinted if elected he might direct his attorney general to investigate her. But after his election, Trump appeared to back away from the idea, saying, “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons. I really don’t. … I think we have to get the focus of the country into looking forward.”
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Good Tuesday morning folks. I'm happy to report that DT continues his attack on AG Sessions, the AG w/ the shit-eatin' grin. As we know Jeff baby is a deep-state plant and DT now wants to fire him but it wouldn't look good so he's taken the tact of insulting him daily as he tries to get him to resign. How long will this last? Hickory dickory dock. A mouse ran up the clock. Tick tock, tick tock! :cool:
Donald J. Trump
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!
3:12 AM - 25 Jul 2017

The Twitter barrage continues as Trump is considering firing Sessions, who was the first sitting U.S. senator to endorse the celebrity real estate mogul during the campaign. But Trump is upset that Sessions recused himself from all campaign-related investigations, including the probe into whether any Trump associates colluded with Russia during the campaign. And though the campaign ended more than eight months ago, Trump has repeatedly tried to turn the Russia spotlight back to Clinton.

During the campaign, Trump constantly attacked Clinton as “crooked” and hinted if elected he might direct his attorney general to investigate her. But after his election, Trump appeared to back away from the idea, saying, “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons. I really don’t. … I think we have to get the focus of the country into looking forward.”

Trump is attacking Sessions in an effort to have him simply quit. Trump knows he can't fire Sessions w/o Republicans calling for obstruction of justice charges. Still, looking at the big picture, all this effort spent trying to dislodge Mueller only means there is something Trump does not want found/proven. Probably many things.

Trump is attacking Sessions in an effort to have him simply quit. Trump knows he can't fire Sessions w/o Republicans calling for obstruction of justice charges. Still, looking at the big picture, all this effort spent trying to dislodge Mueller only means there is something Trump does not want found/proven. Probably many things.

Get out the popcorn: Let's see who ends up with the biggest shit eatin' grin - the Trumpet or Jeffyboo! :rolleyes:

Trump is attacking Sessions in an effort to have him simply quit. Trump knows he can't fire Sessions w/o Republicans calling for obstruction of justice charges. Still, looking at the big picture, all this effort spent trying to dislodge Mueller only means there is something Trump does not want found/proven. Probably many things.

You're a loon!

My $$s on DJT. Sessions is history soon, as is Mueller.

Mueller may well be the special prosecutor Trump promised in debate to investigate HILLARY in debate. 4Chan buzz confirmed rumors I heard from other sources last month but I brushed it off. See my other Post about 4Chan...Got me thinking and makes sense.

I think Sessions will be gonebefore Mueller - I could be wrong, I was wrong once before but that's my prediction. :cool:

If Trump attempts to fire Mueller, all bets are off and it will be mayhem in DC. If Trump has nothing to hide, why is he so bent of ending this investigation. Where there is smoke , there is fire and this Russian probe is smoking badly. It really simple, follow the money. Remember, Al Capone wasn't convicted for murder, racketeering or any of the other hideous crimes he committed. Capone got nailed for tax evasion.

If Trump attempts to fire Mueller, all bets are off and it will be mayhem in DC. If Trump has nothing to hide, why is he so bent of ending this investigation. Where there is smoke , there is fire and this Russian probe is smoking badly. It really simple, follow the money. Remember, Al Capone wasn't convicted for murder, racketeering or any of the other hideous crimes he committed. Capone got nailed for tax evasion.

Put down the crack pipe!

Sessions was put on a PIP by DJT. He's a "man on a plan" and could be RIF'd by DJT..lol
IMO Trump doesn't need to publicly humiliate sessions, but obviously it's working as sessions is NOW investigation leaks to media. Trumps base knew sessions Fkd up recusing himself, no need to get that word out to us DJT. If Trump fires someone, then they damn well deserved it. That's ALL I need to know. I also don't like sessions stance on weed and wasting tax dollars and potential revenue. The days of paying 30 fat cops overtime in stings to bust peeps selling dime bags of weed are over.

Sessions was put on a PIP by DJT. He's a "man on a plan" and could be RIF'd by DJT..lol
IMO Trump doesn't need to publicly humiliate sessions, but obviously it's working as sessions is NOW investigation leaks to media. Trumps base knew sessions Fkd up recusing himself, no need to get that word out to us DJT. If Trump fires someone, then they damn well deserved it. That's ALL I need to know. I also don't like sessions stance on weed and wasting tax dollars and potential revenue. The days of paying 30 fat cops overtime in stings to bust peeps selling dime bags of weed are over.

Good grief! Trump needs Sessions at this point worse than Sessions needs Trump, if Trump is serious about border enforcement.

Recusal was a mistake in judgement but proved that Sessions is his own man, a man of character. He's pursuing the leaking now because he believes in the rule of law which is why he takes the stand he does on weed. If you don't like it then I suggest you work to change federal law, but as long as it's the law then it needs to be reasonably enforced.

You and Vag are both fatally bent, just indifferent ways.

Good grief! Trump needs Sessions at this point worse than Sessions needs Trump, if Trump is serious about border enforcement.

Recusal was a mistake in judgement but proved that Sessions is his own man, a man of character. He's pursuing the leaking now because he believes in the rule of law which is why he takes the stand he does on weed. If you don't like it then I suggest you work to change federal law, but as long as it's the law then it needs to be reasonably enforced.

You and Vag are both fatally bent, just indifferent ways.

Weed is a fucking weed. My dad was a musician in the 20s and weed was abundant, alcohol was the problem. I first smoked it in college in the 60s. Its a harmless giggle. Get a fucking grip. :cool:.

Good Tuesday morning folks. I'm happy to report that DT continues his attack on AG Sessions, the AG w/ the shit-eatin' grin. As we know Jeff baby is a deep-state plant and DT now wants to fire him but it wouldn't look good so he's taken the tact of insulting him daily as he tries to get him to resign. How long will this last? Hickory dickory dock. A mouse ran up the clock. Tick tock, tick tock! :cool:
Donald J. Trump
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!
3:12 AM - 25 Jul 2017

The Twitter barrage continues as Trump is considering firing Sessions, who was the first sitting U.S. senator to endorse the celebrity real estate mogul during the campaign. But Trump is upset that Sessions recused himself from all campaign-related investigations, including the probe into whether any Trump associates colluded with Russia during the campaign. And though the campaign ended more than eight months ago, Trump has repeatedly tried to turn the Russia spotlight back to Clinton.

During the campaign, Trump constantly attacked Clinton as “crooked” and hinted if elected he might direct his attorney general to investigate her. But after his election, Trump appeared to back away from the idea, saying, “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons. I really don’t. … I think we have to get the focus of the country into looking forward.”
Looks like it is working Vag. He is starting to get off of his ass and investigate the DNC and IRS. ABOUT FUCKING TIME.

Far from harmless and it remains illegal under federal law.

The federal government, state governments and local governments are cramming thousands upon thousands of stupid laws down our throats...

The federal marijuana law has been selectively enforced since it was enacted. Nobody cares Sparky. :cool:

The federal government, state governments and local governments are cramming thousands upon thousands of stupid laws down our throats...

The federal marijuana law has been selectively enforced since it was enacted. Nobody cares Sparky. :cool:

You little liar! You care....a great deal! It's the source of your rabid and irrational hatred of Sessions. Keep worrying little fella, Jeff's coming after your weed! Boo!