True Story


True Story

I sell for a competing lab in one of Solstas' strongest areas. I compete directly with Solstas and Quest for accounts. I am a direct competitor.

I've called on upwards of 30 to 40 Solstas accounts since January 22nd. I have yet to find a single one that thinks Quest buying out Solstas is good for them or the service they will receive. Not a single office thinks Quest will be an upgrade. A majority left Quest for Spectrum in the first place and vow they will never use Quest again.

This is the strongest statement that can be made for how terrible this happening is for Solstas sales and field operations employees and customers.

This is going to be a train wreck that I'll enjoy watching.

True Story
I agree 110% with the above poster. Quest is not close to being the company they use to be. Just another Box lab and a me too lab. Constantly losing Managed Care contracts from LabCorp, all over the country. Let the shrinkage begin!