TriVascular Stock


If you look at their year to date stock chart its like a line right into the ground. They have better technology than Medtronic. They should be doing much better. What do you guys think?

Poor senior management, too many reps hired (many were poor choices) and too much cash burning....good device, decent pipeline, but a very tough space with stiff competition and loyal vascular surgeons. Not enough Cardiologists doing EVAR to fully appreciate the devices biggest strength which is profile. Company and technology need to be acquired for long term growth and sustainability in my opinion. Technology is NOT a game changer as the folks who work there may think. It's just another AAA stent graft....

Poor senior management, too many reps hired (many were poor choices) and too much cash burning....good device, decent pipeline, but a very tough space with stiff competition and loyal vascular surgeons. Not enough Cardiologists doing EVAR to fully appreciate the devices biggest strength which is profile. Company and technology need to be acquired for long term growth and sustainability in my opinion. Technology is NOT a game changer as the folks who work there may think. It's just another AAA stent graft....

On top of it all, the commission structure is not very motivational so the reps don't work as hard or should I say not very motivated which is why reps leave (the good reps) of course the lazy ones choose to stay

On top of it all, the commission structure is not very motivational so the reps don't work as hard or should I say not very motivated which is why reps leave (the good reps) of course the lazy ones choose to stay

There is NO culture at this company. It's a joke and they are going to fall on their face this year. The end is near. There won't be a Trivascular 3....