Trifexis posts on novrts board spanked


Trifexis is unfortunately replacing everything, including Comfortis. I hope it sticks! The posting on the novrts board is hilarious. A dermoid spanked one of the reps with the facts about flea control. You go sir/ma'am. Your thoughts are shared by many. We (the ones who didn't drink the nfrts kook-aid) love Trifexis. Let the commissions roll in. Sorry nvrts drones. We didn't buy the B.S. in your collage of plagiarized studies you didn't even perform yourselves. What a joke. There's no respect in that crap. Good-bye.

Yup. Trifexis is a market mover and making all the other reps I work with very pissed. I still like my drug reps but they are starting to get too pushy. Ever smell commission breath? It is not fun to smell. Good thing vets are smart enough to switch brands before the OTC market takes over the topicals. It's a brand new day.

I also agree. Trifexis and Comfortis are helping me to save my income, which has almost been cut in half since 2008. Thanks a lot Costco and Petsmart. I hope u enjoy eating my lunch from your frtlne pallet sales. Thanks for screwing us merail.

Must be a post by a novais rep. We know it is avail online via diverters but at least Elanco is trying to do something about with track n trace program. My Elanco rep explained that they monitor websites and order product when find it. ( some sites really don't have comforts or trifexis. It's a lure to pull you in then recommend frontline, adv multiple or interceptor/sentinel.) if product really available, Elanco buys, then scans to see what vet originally bought product and then put that diverter/ vet on a DNS list. So far over 250 vets have been cut off from buying product- Three in my territory. I ve got a copy of the map showing areas where diverters were caught. It's not goin to stop it fully but at least Elanco is trying to protect vet ( and distribution) business. That's more than I can say for other manufactures.

Well said my BSAH friend. One of my accounts attempted to buy Trifexis and then Comfortis and both attempts were thwarted by a message "sorry, we currently do not have merchandise you requested, we suggest one of the other flea products we carry" Obviously, they are using it as a draw-in since it is so freekin popular.

They are pushing those other products with huge margins due to the free goods they were given by drug reps to net down the cost of goods. Fkrs!

We have one path now. March on and stay the course. Our futures depend on it. No chit.

Distribution is a joke! Just a bunch of whiners and order takers. They just blow in the wind. If you are taking advice from a distributor, you better get a second opinion. The odds they have knowledge of anything other than what's this weeks special is slim to none. Does the vet industry really even need them? Cant you just call it in? Oh wait, they do drop off catalogues. I change my mind.

Distribution is a joke! Just a bunch of whiners and order takers. They just blow in the wind. If you are taking advice from a distributor, you better get a second opinion. The odds they have knowledge of anything other than what's this weeks special is slim to none. Does the vet industry really even need them? Cant you just call it in? Oh wait, they do drop off catalogues. I change my mind.

This is a grossly untrue statement, if it weren't for many of the quality distributor partners out there companies who truly put there fate & product in the hands of distribution would never be successful. Elanco has no system for selling direct and by the way this forum reads they are doing some good things. I bet they would also argue the value of a good distributor rep.

I would bet that many, many manufacturer reps feel that distributor reps are worth their weight in gold, and some are their life-long friends! Whoever posted that crap is short sighted, rude, and probably doesn't get luv from any brand of distribution due to their poor personality. Just a guess.

P.S. - Trifexis Rocks!

Distribution is a joke! Just a bunch of whiners and order takers. They just blow in the wind. If you are taking advice from a distributor, you better get a second opinion. The odds they have knowledge of anything other than what's this weeks special is slim to none. Does the vet industry really even need them? Cant you just call it in? Oh wait, they do drop off catalogues. I change my mind.

I totally agree. Not to say they aren't good people, but they have no loyalty to anyone, including their new flavor of the week. This year its Elanco, then Novartis, then Bayer or whoever. They just chase commissions, with no real concern for the details of the products they "sell".

Any DVM who trusts their distributor rep is clueless. These distributors only care about themselves. If Trifexis fails, they will sell-out Elanco and jump back on board with whatever is working. The fact that DVM's have no problem with Butschein holding Trifexis meetings is embarrassing. They don't see a conflict of interest? As for track and trace, let's see how far they go when they actually have market share.....and vets figure out how to buy and sell it online. It has been bought online by Vets just so you know.

You all have no clue what it's like for distributor reps, competitors out there giving away the farm who really have no clue what they are talking about. We have a thousand different products and we choose to sell what we think the Veterinarians can best utilize in their practice. For those out there insisting that Merial is selling to Costco product an invoice for them and then say something.

Must be a post by a novais rep. We know it is avail online via diverters but at least Elanco is trying to do something about with track n trace program. My Elanco rep explained that they monitor websites and order product when find it. ( some sites really don't have comforts or trifexis. It's a lure to pull you in then recommend frontline, adv multiple or interceptor/sentinel.) if product really available, Elanco buys, then scans to see what vet originally bought product and then put that diverter/ vet on a DNS list. So far over 250 vets have been cut off from buying product- Three in my territory. I ve got a copy of the map showing areas where diverters were caught. It's not goin to stop it fully but at least Elanco is trying to protect vet ( and distribution) business. That's more than I can say for other manufactures.

With roughly 60,000 veterinarians currently working in the US, Elanco has shut down less than half of 1% of all the vets. That's like using an eye-dropper to put out a fire. Bravo Elanco.

Must be a post by a novais rep. We know it is avail online via diverters but at least Elanco is trying to do something about with track n trace program. My Elanco rep explained that they monitor websites and order product when find it. ( some sites really don't have comforts or trifexis. It's a lure to pull you in then recommend frontline, adv multiple or interceptor/sentinel.) if product really available, Elanco buys, then scans to see what vet originally bought product and then put that diverter/ vet on a DNS list. So far over 250 vets have been cut off from buying product- Three in my territory. I ve got a copy of the map showing areas where diverters were caught. It's not goin to stop it fully but at least Elanco is trying to protect vet ( and distribution) business. That's more than I can say for other manufactures.

This is such garbage. Once a product is diverted, it will have a new label applied which is the sku for that company inventory management system. Elanco has no way to scan for a product when they don't know what the diverting company code is that is being used. Anyone who would divert would quickly figure out to do this.

We know it is avail online via diverters but at least Elanco is trying to do something about with track n trace program. My Elanco rep explained that they monitor websites and order product when find it. ( some sites really don't have comforts or trifexis. It's a lure to pull you in then recommend frontline, adv multiple or interceptor/sentinel.) if product really available, Elanco buys, then scans to see what vet originally bought product and then put that diverter/ vet on a DNS list. So far over 250 vets have been cut off from buying product- Three in my territory. I ve got a copy of the map showing areas where diverters were caught. It's not goin to stop it fully but at least Elanco is trying to protect vet ( and distribution) business. That's more than I can say for other manufactures.
Ha, sure, that's what we all say. My God, it's amazing some of you idiots actually believe this line of crap. Hell, I can show you all the maps in the world, it doesn't prove anything. Ask for a list of clinics that have been "shut down". Oops, they can't provide that because nobody can (that would be begging for legal action). So, this whole "track & trace" garbage is based on hearsay and speculation...ant that's it. "So far over 250 vets have been cut off"...I call BS. There's no way to prove it. You people amaze me, gullible idiots. I will give them this though, it's the best marketing ploy/spin this industry has ever seen. "Track & trace", give me a break.