Trevor's replacement is being interviewed now


Sorry folks but the candidates are all external. It would have been Tim, but Dave can't stand him. Riva drowned his chances with pleasure team buildings in Venice. Besides, he hasn't developed anything and all of the pipeline has run dry and pi3k is behind without a dose. Machiba not qualified. So much for Dave announcing in October.

Once the outsider is named, Vasella will expect him to clean up and get rid of Tim and Alessandro as they are dead weight. Then the influxe of cronies will ruin Novartis. David should have picked Tim and moved on. Saying that none of Trevors reports can handle the job is going to lead to the good ones leaving and the bad ones holding out for packages. Its going to get ugly for the next year.

David can't sneeze without Dan's permission--you are correct, David should have chosen Tim and moved on quickly. This should have happened when Trevor made his announcement to leave. There were indeed qualified internal candidates, but time and time again Novartis hires in the academic, without ANY true industry experience, this is what has absolutely killed Novartis commercially--the academic have no commercial focus, that is why they are in academics in the first place.

Novartis could save a ton of money if they got rid of their HR entirely, since their internal development of personnel in non-existent. Succession planning -- what a waste of time, when it is never truly implemented.

Having a dose is overrated, you just need belief.

Announcement is comeing this month. He'll be from GSK. Pity that Dave is demotivating his reports with the amount of time not to make a decision. His reports will start leaving now that they've been passed over and the new guy will bring his own team and clean out shop. Its going tobe a turbulent 2012

Announcement is comeing this month. He'll be from GSK. Pity that Dave is demotivating his reports with the amount of time not to make a decision. His reports will start leaving now that they've been passed over and the new guy will bring his own team and clean out shop. Its going tobe a turbulent 2012

but Colin Sims always tells us what a backward non-performing mess GSK is ?!???!!?