

Interviewed with Trevena and it was an odd experience. Interviewed with 2 people who could only be described as “dumb and dumber”. These people were were focused and full of giggles that I was their next in a long line of interviews for the day. They understood little of the product, the patient profile or how it would be presented for use. Clearly pharma reps/managers focused on “reach and frequency sales models”. Not how to grow market utilization. With years of experience in high risk breakthrough pain patient sales, I watched these two idiots attempt to lead an interview like watching a monkey f*@k a football. It was ugly and embarrassing. The final insult was the generic STAR questions asked by one of the interviewers as the other focused on something offscreen. I did get to the interview with the company president. I have to say, I was impressed and she was the shining star of the process. My disappointment being that I wouldn’t have the chance to learn from her and work with her. BUT, the fools under her leave me to question the possible success of the company. I may actually consider put options as with those fools with regional control, I see a stock drop in the future. Of additional note, a constant and continual comment from Trevena, is that they have “refocused and retooled our message, and may have finally found our place in utilization”. So, it appears they have an unsuccessful initial rollout and are trying again. Maybe this time they should look for people out of orphan drug, device, or even dme. People who actually have experience providing solutions and driving utilization with physicians. Not bring Starbucks to the receptionists and check sample levels.