Trauma to Recon??


I'm in need of some advice from those who are working for Biomet and hoped that a few of you would oblige. I recently walked away from 5 years of trauma work with the market leader w/ no intention of returning to orthopedics. The was company good, not perfect, however the management was horrific.
I've recently been approached by a recruitor regarding an opportunity w/ Biomet recon, however he hasn't been very informative. My first inclination is to send him on his way, but due to circumstances I'm gonna ride it out.
Questions I have:
1. Biomet: distributorship or standard, which is best?
2. Do the distributorships usually provide benefits?
3.Most importantly, I've done some research comparing product lines, and have noticed some differences (ie...Oxford knee has a moveable bearing in the medial meniscus unlike competitors who have a med men that covers the entire plateau region). Generally, is Biomet competitive w/ S & N, Stryker and Zimmer or is it a battle to convert?
Thanks so much, ahead of time, to those of you who can help?

Well since no one else will respond to you- I'll put my 2 cents in. First of all Biomet recon is a very nice division of Biomet- it is the bread and butter of the co. As far as I know- recon is only sold through distributors and as such- usually no benefits, 1099 status etc. Rates avg 13-20%, as as for converting existing docs- its a relationship sell. If you can bring them to the table then you will be able to sell them.

I worked for a Biomet distributor as well, and benefits were available. Some will hire you as a w-2 rep even though its straight commission. As far as converting docs? I think it depends of the territory. If there are some docs using the totals, then the other docs have some familiarity and coversions can be possible if the relationship is there. In my case, I was 3rd in line at most hospitals if a doc was going to switch. The silver lining to Biomet if the market share is low on totals in your area would be the Oxford. There is nothing like it on the market, and its certainly your "in" with docs without the pressure of trying to convert them right over to your totals. Its a niche, but the more docs do them, the more liberal they get with the indications. The data supports it well, and its a great product...