

I am getting tired of hearing about transparency in every meeting and on every conference call. I understand that there are certain things we can not be told in order to protect our business. We do love to talk and anything they say will get to some of our customers.

So they should just say there are some things they cant get into, instead of feeding us bits of truth chum and pretending like they were transparent.

I think they did the right thing telling us about the impending layoffs when they did, but mentally it would have been easier not to know. Its hard to please everyone and I know that. But I hate having people who think they are smarter than us claiming transparency when they have fooled no one. They have lowered all of our standards by putting up the facade.

I am sure the new manufacturing guy got his beatings and will regret his attempt at transparency.

I don't believe a single thing any member of management says. They are all lined up, drinking Kool Aid and following orders to save their jobs.

Everything Merck has done in the last three years has been an effort to best hide the devastation of its employees. By keeping the confusion level at a high, it masks the reality of this entire mess.

I will remember pharma as being fun to work at in the 90s and early 2000s. Was a lot of fun. Worked hard, played hard. Thanks for letting me fall flat on face Merck when you lay me off and release me to the toughest job market since the late 70s. Ha. I guess you get the last laugh Merck!

Merck treats their employees as if they were fools. It is the least transparent organization I have ever encountered. Management all must come out of the same training programs". They have all the äctive listening motions down flat but they mean nothing. How could anyone older than 20 be naive enough to even think about trusting them? And who do they think they are really fooling? All they are doing is burning the future.

My god, you people have to be the whiniest people I've ever heard! Be transparent! No wait, don't be transparent! Don't trust! I hate it here! The sky is falling! Change is bad! Beware the Kool-aid!!!!! You people are amazing. I love reading CP because its just so darn entertaining.

My god, you people have to be the whiniest people I've ever heard! Be transparent! No wait, don't be transparent! Don't trust! I hate it here! The sky is falling! Change is bad! Beware the Kool-aid!!!!! You people are amazing. I love reading CP because its just so darn entertaining.

The truth is sometimes painful. What makes it entertaining is that it's just so hard to believe. We were once the envy of the corporate world; now, we're among the most pathetic.

I love how I'm supposed to adopt and embrace change at Merck, regardless of how bad that change is. I'm sorry, but I've been adopting and embracing change at Merck for 15 years and instead of getting better or things improving, we are worse. Enough. You change assholes can kiss it. We are pathetic. No two ways about that.

My god, you people have to be the whiniest people I've ever heard! Be transparent! No wait, don't be transparent! Don't trust! I hate it here! The sky is falling! Change is bad! Beware the Kool-aid!!!!! You people are amazing. I love reading CP because its just so darn entertaining.

You must be a pitcher with a face on it. You certainly don't have the observational skills of a human being.

My god, you people have to be the whiniest people I've ever heard! Be transparent! No wait, don't be transparent! Don't trust! I hate it here! The sky is falling! Change is bad! Beware the Kool-aid!!!!! You people are amazing. I love reading CP because its just so darn entertaining.

If the company were anything but dysfunctional, the amount of bitching on this board would be a fraction of what is there now. Many people have no outlet for their frustration, including the option to leave without suffering severe financial loss. If effective internal channels to voice well-intended criticism actually existed, your view that too many of these posts are mere whining would have merit. Those channels, whether or not they were established with good intent, today only serve as efficient means to punish those that voice a differing opinion. It would be a safe bet that posting to this board is the only outlet many have. Remember that many are frustrated not only by their own personal situation but also at the deep decline in the company's values thay have witnessed. The board is entertaining but in a sad sort of way. Misery loves miserable company. Not much positive energy posted to this board - biut not much at Merck as far as any of us can tell, either.

My god, you people have to be the whiniest people I've ever heard! Be transparent! No wait, don't be transparent! Don't trust! I hate it here! The sky is falling! Change is bad! Beware the Kool-aid!!!!! You people are amazing. I love reading CP because its just so darn entertaining.

Since being transparent at meetings would likely end your career at Merck, people opt to vent here. In the old days we could vent and the management could ignore us. But now you may be displaced if you vent or express anything that is not in compliance with the new model. Glad you are so adaptive, zero issues in life and at work, and happy.

I have a theory about transparency. If we all are transparent all the time, and reveal what is around us as transparent as possible, and allow all departments to be transparent. We ask our CTLs to be transparent that means that we wont be able to see a DAMN thing because all is transparent, "see thru", "invisible", "clear". This term is BS!~~! no one is as truthful as they can be, just look at the slip of tongue KENNY had.

Since being transparent at meetings would likely end your career at Merck, people opt to vent here. In the old days we could vent and the management could ignore us. But now you may be displaced if you vent or express anything that is not in compliance with the new model. Glad you are so adaptive, zero issues in life and at work, and happy.

Being transparent and voicing my opinion in MRL cost me my job a few years ago. I was foolish enough to believe that my opinion counts.........clinical operations did not care and funny enough that head of department was let go because she did not want to conform to the new idea by managemnet which I had originally suggested!!!!