Transitioning out of academia


Hi All-

I am a 4th year postdoc and have been in academics my entire career....time for a change and more money. I am interested in consultanting for venture capitalist or moving to a biotech/pharma company, but have no idea how to transition out of the "Ivory Tower". Any advice!?

Hi All-

I am a 4th year postdoc and have been in academics my entire career....time for a change and more money. I am interested in consultanting for venture capitalist or moving to a biotech/pharma company, but have no idea how to transition out of the "Ivory Tower". Any advice!?

There are pockets that claim to be Pharma CI consulting firms out there. They bill themselves as Global Leaders in competitive strategy consulting and they would welcome you with open arms and self-indulgent grins. Only thing is you would have to be completely willing to sell your dignity and self respect along with your advanced degree to the greedy bastards that will pimp you out for any life-science project they can get. If you like manipulating others into giving you information, if you are okay with never disclosing your true employer, if you are comfortable pretending you work for any one of their "approach" charades, if you wouldn't mind being a complete turn-coat with any information you un-veil through planned phony conversation and then sell that information to the persons direct competitor for your management and your own profit, then you will be a perfect fit. Candidate must also be willing to work hard and be at the beck and call of a manipulative management team that has very little experience in the industry, no concept of the legal world of bio-pharma and big pharma, that's shallow, and completely in it only for themselves and the money, with zero concept of full disclosure, that offers very little training or anything of substance, all while providing no access to management when a valid business ethics concern come to light; and valid concerns will arise! On the other hand, if you are accomplished, hard-working, ethical, thoughtful, honest, if you like to surround yourself with true professionals and if you like to sleep soundly at night, then best to let some other sell-out be their pawn. Be very selective with whom you choose to share your professionalism.

Solid reminder of why we should interview future employers very carefully. Be selective. There is a big difference between the two worlds of academia and corporate life. Pluses and minuses within both.