

looking for info. on training program Vascular. how long? time in house vs. in the field? level of difficulty, # of test. % of drop out or people not making the grade?

not sure anymore, but I've seen some of the new trainees out there now and we've got a few good looking young ladies that will be making some docs and dm's VERY HAPPY.

in my experience, the wedding ring means something for a while, but then loses its significance once they get out on the road. and regarding this girl, she's not in BG's class I don't think. The training mgr for them is LP-K.

they should be getting here soon. i bet her DM loves her.

To poster #4, you are apparently correct. I spoke with one of the new hires today. Turns out she's already getting some from one of the other trainees. Just started and already turning it like a pro!