Training/New Hire Question

Considering a position with long is training please? Serious replies only please.

You are an idiot and probably dont have anywhere else to go. No pharma expereince and probably enterprise rental cars. Training is long and horrible, expect to be demeaned and treated like 4th graders. Test ev ery day and people who fail also sent back on daily basis.
serious replies? Are you kidding? For Forest? you are a stupid fuckhead

Considering a position with long is training please? Serious replies only please.

2 weeks at home
3 weeks in Commack. It's the shittiest place on earth. Enjoy eating chicken and potatoes and having group homework assignments every night. And best of all enjoy your roommate and getting familiar with their shit schedule. the "gym" is a thousand degrees. oh and the city is ONLY an hour away on a shitty train. dont dare think you can drive one of the minivans there. but you will be too tired to give a shit about the city.

lots of tests. lots of role plays. its a clusterfuck.

Non-Forest Hire here (thankfully from the sounds of it..LOL)

Is training seriously this bad at Forest? The whole havin a roommate thing for 3 weeks is bad enough (J&J is the same way though...hell, they even go as far as making straight guys room together with the out of the closet fruits, even AFTER training!!)

Just wondering how life at Forest is after you get thru training...overall good or bad experience?

BTW, where is Commack? Sounds like a prison camp from the way you described it! LOL!

Non-Forest Hire here (thankfully from the sounds of it..LOL)

Is training seriously this bad at Forest? The whole havin a roommate thing for 3 weeks is bad enough (J&J is the same way though...hell, they even go as far as making straight guys room together with the out of the closet fruits, even AFTER training!!)

Just wondering how life at Forest is after you get thru training...overall good or bad experience?

BTW, where is Commack? Sounds like a prison camp from the way you described it! LOL!

like dachau

Non-Forest Hire here (thankfully from the sounds of it..LOL)

Is training seriously this bad at Forest? The whole havin a roommate thing for 3 weeks is bad enough (J&J is the same way though...hell, they even go as far as making straight guys room together with the out of the closet fruits, even AFTER training!!)

Just wondering how life at Forest is after you get thru training...overall good or bad experience?

BTW, where is Commack? Sounds like a prison camp from the way you described it! LOL!

They are just missing the barbed wire and the guards in towers

Non-Forest Hire here (thankfully from the sounds of it..LOL)

Is training seriously this bad at Forest? The whole havin a roommate thing for 3 weeks is bad enough (J&J is the same way though...hell, they even go as far as making straight guys room together with the out of the closet fruits, even AFTER training!!)

Just wondering how life at Forest is after you get thru training...overall good or bad experience?

BTW, where is Commack? Sounds like a prison camp from the way you described it! LOL!

God yes it is a prision. You share a crap minivan with 3-4 other newbies, the facility is about 30 minutes away, they work you from 7:30AM to whenever your crap project is complete with your teammates. Then you go to bed 5 feet away from your roommate, get to smell their shit in the morning, and do it all over again for the next 3 weeks. Enjoy!

God yes it is a prision. You share a crap minivan with 3-4 other newbies, the facility is about 30 minutes away, they work you from 7:30AM to whenever your crap project is complete with your teammates. Then you go to bed 5 feet away from your roommate, get to smell their shit in the morning, and do it all over again for the next 3 weeks. Enjoy!

A very old minivan . I can remember when one of the minivans broke down on the way to training. We were still reprimanded for being lates

I remember having to raise your hand and ask to go to the bathroom. Towards the tail end of the training, they started to make you show proof you went poopy or potty. I thought that strange.

I remember having to raise your hand and ask to go to the bathroom. Towards the tail end of the training, they started to make you show proof you went poopy or potty. I thought that strange.

What??!! Did you have to show them a floater? Or was just walking into the bathroom and using the stinkmeter sniff test in your stall enough? What was the punsihment if it didn't register enough on the stinkmeter, a swirly?