Training matters?

A person in my team is going to Denver....I am not...does that mean they have a better chance of staying come end of Jan? Does that training play any role?

The only people going to Denvet are Aliskirin only reps. They were 100% aliskirin
In my state only 5 people are going
I wouldn't read anything into it

Yeah it matters!!! Come on, open your eyes...they are training someone else and not you. Novartis will lie to your face with bs reasons...polish your resume.

Look dude stop being so f""ing paranoid. People going to train have nothing else to sell and some of them are only being trained on 1 product .
This is all just to cover their ass legally so in the big scheme I also wonder why they are even bothering but this will not determine who stays and who goes. Get real.
I am trained on all products but do i think my job is in jeopardy...hell yea.
No one is safe not matter what your rating, ranking or what products you sell

A person in my team is going to Denver....I am not...does that mean they have a better chance of staying come end of Jan? Does that training play any role?

What this really means is that they have a 100% chance that they will be going to Denver, and you have a 100% chance that you are not. That's all.

They invited me to go train , fuck them I'm calling in sick. Could give a rats ass about the craptacular patch. Don't feel justified fleecing old ladies & medicare for this stupid unecessary drug let along go through the hassles of flying for a 30% or less chance of keeping this boring unfullfilling job
Just make with the severance already