Training insanity


Why in heck does Metagenics make you train so long in Cali? Most companies take no more than one week at on site training. Most companies train by computer. Know more than a few candidates who opted out of interviewing when this bomb was dropped.

Guess Metagenics only wants kid candidates. Total insanity. Losing top people.

Why in heck does Metagenics make you train so long in Cali? Most companies take no more than one week at on site training. Most companies train by computer. Know more than a few candidates who opted out of interviewing when this bomb was dropped.

Guess Metagenics only wants kid candidates. Total insanity. Losing top people.
Metagenics' Big Balls Jamboree, held each June, is a proud event for attendance and participation! Some time in training, in Cali, is always dedicated to the care and treatment of "balls".
The event at Gig Harbor is always taken seriously, even though it is a "fun time" for our employees and their family! With fellowship, fun events, great music, and encouraged events, The Big Balls Jamboree, in June, is an event you'll want to come and enjoy!

Somebody please call the waaaaambulance for this cry baby! Go back to your room in your parent's basement moron. Meta doesn't want you. Big ball jamboree is also permanently shut down due to HR issues and men running around in bottomless leather chaps.

Somebody please call the waaaaambulance for this cry baby! Go back to your room in your parent's basement moron. Meta doesn't want you. Big ball jamboree is also permanently shut down due to HR issues and men running around in bottomless leather chaps.
Our annual Big Balls Jamboree is an event that will always continue! It's like the Super Bowl, World Series, and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade all rolled into one!
The highlight of the Jamboree has always been our musical guests! It's like an annual Woodstock! And this June will be even better! We already have committments from some outstanding musical groups: Tommy and the Testicles, Los Ballos Itcharos, The Scrotum Blues Band, The Red Heads, are just a few of the bands who will appear at our Jamboree this June!
We sincerely look forward to seeing you the week- end of June 17!