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Whats the homestudy like on tradjenta , I heard BI's is tougher, true, wouldn't the material be the same?

Homestudy with Lilly is learning the materials, and taking various tests. They're a bit difficult, but you'll pass if you give it effort. Yes, easier than BI. When you get in the field, you're next area of study is how to brown nose the doctors.

Whats the homestudy like on tradjenta , I heard BI's is tougher, true, wouldn't the material be the same?

The home study of Lilly has nothing to do with their sales approach. The home study is cursory at best. The actual selling of the product uses very little of what you've learned at home or training. It's weak sales model. It's basically a kill them with love approach...that is..."doctor, you are such a thought leader...your kids are sooo cute....doctor, help me understand.....doctor, you've taught me so much....doctor, what do you want for lunch?....doctor, do you like dark or milk chocolate?...doctor, did you see my new baby pictures....It goes on and on. Hence, your home study has nothing to do with the sale. If you want a job with a small territory, very structured as to what to say and do, easy money, home by 3pm, than go for the job.

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