Townhall truths

Joel Grade

Hello joey A , this is what i want to hear at a townhall: " i made a mistake buying HillRom, furthermore i over paid 3-4 billion for the asset. Further more there is no synergy b/w the two companies and we havent progressed on integration, furthermore we lost some talented HR people and now we cant grow sales and it is at 1/3 of its profitability compared to when we purchased it.

Instead of blaming all of you for not achieving numbers i set i apologise for this strategic blunder.

i am an arrogant old fool who has always overestimated my ability and ruled with fear and disdain for people with an opposing view to mine. as i have failed investors, employees and ultimately patients i resign andi will not accept any severance or payout.


joe Almedia

But hey instead let’s find a new name for our new strategic framework…
This would all be funny and hilarious if the guy would not be in charge of a multibillion $ once profitable company…
Jose’s nickname forever will be joe the failure…

according to joe apparently if you dont hold a doctorates you have no business questioning decisions being made. funny ... joe has no PhD or MBA. if paper degree is all that matters, how exactly is he qualified to run a company then? time to give it up joe and let someone more educated than you fix the mess you created