Town Hall August 13


Retention plan? You might want to start with a vacation and leave policy that isn’t the worst in the industry. No stock and no incentive. This place is where you go to pause your career. Sun will NEVER be anything more than a home for misfits and transients. I am embarrassed to work here and I thank God daily that I don’t have to attend a conference in person to represent this outhouse.
Today’s call served to remind us all that there are no effective leaders in Sun and the management ranks are stuffed with those canned from big Pharma. Next time pass on the townhall call and go dumpster at a Covid clinic. It will ultimately be less painful.

BTW AG you owe me 60 minutes of my life back. Hilarious to think these speakers actually prepared for it.

In 20 years of pharma I have never seen such a disorganized business. That town hall did not provide anything of merit but left many questioning what the hell is going on? We never do these calls and we have an opportunity to show what the bright shining leaders are doing and this is what you came up with? That was embarrassing. To start with your goal of retention: we should start with todays call

Retention plan? You might want to start with a vacation and leave policy that isn’t the worst in the industry. No stock and no incentive. This place is where you go to pause your career. Sun will NEVER be anything more than a home for misfits and transients. I am embarrassed to work here and I thank God daily that I don’t have to attend a conference in person to represent this outhouse.
Today’s call served to remind us all that there are no effective leaders in Sun and the management ranks are stuffed with those canned from big Pharma. Next time pass on the townhall call and go dumpster at a Covid clinic. It will ultimately be less painful.

BTW AG you owe me 60 minutes of my life back. Hilarious to think these speakers actually prepared for it.

Pretty fair assessment.
And yes AG, I cannot ever get that hour of my life back
(Hey, on the hush-hush are you still buying Taro stock ?) wasn’t it over 100/share when you took over as CEO there ? I wonder if you shorted it bc it’s 60 now.

In 20 years of pharma I have never seen such a disorganized business. That town hall did not provide anything of merit but left many questioning what the hell is going on? We never do these calls and we have an opportunity to show what the bright shining leaders are doing and this is what you came up with? That was embarrassing. To start with your goal of retention: we should start with todays call

Funny how Sun is talking about retention after having close to 75% turnover the past couple of years. Sun is realizing they need to keep who they’ve got because the next line of people to apply at Sun are currently working at Best Buy.

Sun’s mediocre reputation has been severely damaged.
Nice job Abhay & the VPs