Totaly Offensive


Was walking to the mailroom this afternoon and heard a couple of customer service clerks using the worst imaginable language ever in a lunch room by the stairs. HR needs to intervene at once, you never know if a Sun employee is going to hear that. A barrage of F words and a few N words. I am totally offended. Take it outside so called ladys.

It isn't being nosey, its hearing this from the mail room. Whose the jerk. Maybe I will stroll down to Customer Service and report it. There is a nice lunchroom downstairs.

If you are talking about the cust. service, A/R, and A/P "ladies" who get together for lunch, then yes they are a bit rough around the edges. However, don't bother H/R about it, as they are dealing with another round of resignations this week. Next week, they will be too busy working on the birthday calendar and the wellness newsletter.

If you are talking about the cust. service, A/R, and A/P "ladies" who get together for lunch, then yes they are a bit rough around the edges. However, don't bother H/R about it, as they are dealing with another round of resignations this week. Next week, they will be too busy working on the birthday calendar and the wellness newsletter.

who'se quitten?

If you are talking about the cust. service, A/R, and A/P "ladies" who get together for lunch, then yes they are a bit rough around the edges. However, don't bother H/R about it, as they are dealing with another round of resignations this week. Next week, they will be too busy working on the birthday calendar and the wellness newsletter.

I was worried about the bday calendar, thank goodness that will be up soon. Maybe if they would get off their cottage cheese Azz this could be addressed. I interviewed with the big butt one, is she still there?

I was worried about the bday calendar, thank goodness that will be up soon. Maybe if they would get off their cottage cheese Azz this could be addressed. I interviewed with the big butt one, is she still there?

Yes, she may have a big ass (not sure why that's a problem - more cusion for the pushin). She seems to be the only one working plus she seems to give two shits. The other two are to busy!!!!!!!!!!