Topicort spray


Head of marketing, Brian say-------old nozzle old product doctors are begging to write more spray- if only Galderma reps were more like Medicis reps we'd be in heaven.
Someone pass me my power bar, ASAP

Clobex spray is off the market a year from this December. Galderma in typical fashion has already cut a deal with a generic company to continue to manufacture the product to protect the home office management jobs. As for we in the the CS sales group we have about 18 months to get out of here. Also, it is getting old selling branded generics anyway. We have had a good run but the fun is coming to an end. I guess we can always be the Cetaphil sales team but that is career death. No one in the industry wants OTC pharma reps. Or I guess we can be the lackey to the roseacea reps in some markets, but I did not sign up for that.

No patent life = no product = no long term career opportunity at a good branded generic company but lets call this stuff what it is a and stop listening to home office people that are only protecting their bonus not our jobs or livelihood.

We will still have most of the market share their reps are not that strong. The bigger question is what is the future here. Sales and Marketing home office seems clueless - retread POA programs and messaging and we have less than two years with Spray and then what? Don't really see a strong future for the CS group.

We will still have most of the market share their reps are not that strong. The bigger question is what is the future here. Sales and Marketing home office seems clueless - retread POA programs and messaging and we have less than two years with Spray and then what? Don't really see a strong future for the CS group.

Of course we have most of the market share you dimwit. They just launched. If you are an example of our "strong" reps, God help us.

Where do you live? What is your credit score? Social Security number? Dear Taro rep, you are not as sophisticated as you think. What makes you think anyone from Galderma is going to give you that intel? We're not worried about your little flea of a product. Financial trouble? Don't count on it.

you guys have until next year and the Clobex is dead. What is your future? maybe you can be on a Galderma POD launching all of the new products coming to the category. Good Luck. You guys have nothing in the pipeline. Nothing!

WE HAVE THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON, our Marketing VP, te one and only

Brian Johnson. We have no worries with him and his creativity.

Thank you for sticking with the organization Brian.

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