Top Bid = Novartis



Performance reviews being delayed until after the new year, plane tickets for national meeting not being printed until Dec 20th, cars not being reordered, FF leaving the company at launch meeting, not hitting the company number for 3
years in a row, cutiscience only having 1 product to sell, and a reorg in the process... It should be an interesting meeting next week for our DSMs. Can't wait to see what happens, but a sale of the company looks more and more likely...


Something is up possibly as early as today. I have heard from a reliable source that some DMS are meeting with some Nationals possibly this week to discuss the re- organization of the US group. Hopefully they take care of the long term employees. But based on recent and past events they do not have the best track record for taking care of and or treating long term loyal employees properly when they get freaked out about their profit and or profit goal attainment. If there is a major restructuring there is a strong likelihood that will affect both the US group and then affiliates around the world if they deem groups are overstaffed and or not good prospects for long term consistent profit and sales growth. Many of us could see the writing on the wall several years ago. You need unique products and a more robust pipeline to continue to grow in this pharma space. One could make a strong argument that we do not have either one of those situations currently. Merging or better yet making a large acquisition will be the best option to re-grow and make the company viable for the long term.

Get real- companies are bought and sold.

Shit happens.

We didn't grow the way we should have, some bad luck with acquiring new products, and bad decisions with too many people in salesforce and home office.

We are trimming the fat to stay lean and mean.

I hope the right decisions are made and we stay strong and a leader in the Derm Industry-

Good things will happen............

DFW don't want you to be concerned . All home office sales and marketing are safe . They will continue to manage with lock step and conformity . There will still be latte Tuesday in the break rooms . Really peeps only reppies are for the chopping block .

WAKE UP DFW , you are loosing / lost entire sales forces . Funny World where mr and mrs reppie must sell a product for your profit number and bonus .





Get real- companies are bought and sold.

Shit happens.

We didn't grow the way we should have, some bad luck with acquiring new products, and bad decisions with too many people in salesforce and home office.

We are trimming the fat to stay lean and mean.

I hope the right decisions are made and we stay strong and a leader in the Derm Industry-

Good things will happen............

Really home office person? How should we have grown and by what group? Last year the company had record sales trajectories on all key products and less profit. Why ? Silly over priced Marketing programs and Head count. These are branded derm products - people we need two people tops on each of the three major brands. Over staffed Finance and Com ops departments. Silly and poor Managed Care contracting. Silly over priced and over staffed Medical, Training departments. Really people - phase IV trials for branded generics, MSLS to explain Basic Science a 4th grader can read from the package insert - really? Over staffed departments and people in the home office offering very little value and terrible work ethics. A good example is the HR department and the lack of integrity from the current and former HR staff. Those people should be ashamed of themselves. However, many of those people remain while they lay off the sales group that delivered and brought many of these products to record sales levels yet push out more and more sales people last year trumped up accusations, this year BS about tenure and performance. . Also, Leader in Dermatology? really maybe for a short term in topical Retinoids. Maybe for the short term in systemic Rosacea but lets face it we are talking about low Dose Doxycycline. But our over priced Marketing programs and initiatives are second to none. If you do get the call tomorrow remember you have until December 31st to scramble for health care benefits for your family. Maybe the goofy European guys can come back this summer to re- introduce the Galderma Code of Ethics to the US team again and hopefully this time they will put some thought into how best introduce some Ethical treatment of their long term and once loyal employee base. I guess they missed that portion of the feel good code of Ethics.The reality is these people have no class, no code and no ethics. I am glad the loyal sales managers that built territories and Galderma's business over the past 20 years are now considered "FAT that needs to be trimmed". You ought to be ashamed of yourself you pompous Jack Ass.

But thanks home office person for the lecture on how good things will happen for a once leader in Dermatology. These people make me want to vomit. The Kool aid punch bowl is now empty. But I am sure you will be sending out the home office Christmas party invite out to the remaining employees. Will Kristine be back to raffle off the Hotel points and airline points earned from the sales teams this year? We may as well keep to the new Galderma Culture to have more Pompous Jack asses lecture us at company gatherings. Seems to be the new emerging trend at the company.

Too many of the good ole boys club are remaining which will lead to
another disaster down the road.

Very sad day for such a once awesome company....................
they say it can't happen to us and it did.

Really home office person? How should we have grown and by what group? Last year the company had record sales trajectories on all key products and less profit. Why ? Silly over priced Marketing programs and Head count. These are branded derm products - people we need two people tops on each of the three major brands. Over staffed Finance and Com ops departments. Silly and poor Managed Care contracting. Silly over priced and over staffed Medical, Training departments. Really people - phase IV trials for branded generics, MSLS to explain Basic Science a 4th grader can read from the package insert - really? Over staffed departments and people in the home office offering very little value and terrible work ethics. A good example is the HR department and the lack of integrity from the current and former HR staff. Those people should be ashamed of themselves. However, many of those people remain while they lay off the sales group that delivered and brought many of these products to record sales levels yet push out more and more sales people last year trumped up accusations, this year BS about tenure and performance. . Also, Leader in Dermatology? really maybe for a short term in topical Retinoids. Maybe for the short term in systemic Rosacea but lets face it we are talking about low Dose Doxycycline. But our over priced Marketing programs and initiatives are second to none. If you do get the call tomorrow remember you have until December 31st to scramble for health care benefits for your family. Maybe the goofy European guys can come back this summer to re- introduce the Galderma Code of Ethics to the US team again and hopefully this time they will put some thought into how best introduce some Ethical treatment of their long term and once loyal employee base. I guess they missed that portion of the feel good code of Ethics.The reality is these people have no class, no code and no ethics. I am glad the loyal sales managers that built territories and Galderma's business over the past 20 years are now considered "FAT that needs to be trimmed". You ought to be ashamed of yourself you pompous Jack Ass.

But thanks home office person for the lecture on how good things will happen for a once leader in Dermatology. These people make me want to vomit. The Kool aid punch bowl is now empty. But I am sure you will be sending out the home office Christmas party invite out to the remaining employees. Will Kristine be back to raffle off the Hotel points and airline points earned from the sales teams this year? We may as well keep to the new Galderma Culture to have more Pompous Jack asses lecture us at company gatherings. Seems to be the new emerging trend at the company.

Well said! It is absolutely pathetic how the home office protects the "club"! What's even MORE pathetic is that our physicians know about it and mocks Galderma for it! The senior leadership is a joke in Dernatology and its the REPS that have made a difference. Time to start a class action law suite bc there is discrimination written all over this mess!!!!!!!!!!

Next week several of our nationals are hitting the road to do more "real commitment " speeches . We are the leader in dermatology my national VP of sales said so , he read it in a book at Starbucks . Also our huge asset to bottom line , MSLs and NAMs are hitting top accounts with gusto to provide value , the NAMs will have a freshly printed copy of FingerTip Formulary in hand . Providers are so excited they can't wait to see these people instead of their local SR .

Not to worry DFW will toast all layed off on the slopes this year as they spend more in one day on sking and booze then they saved on the layoffs. Not a word of truth tomorrow please , don't want you to break a trend now .

PS , better update that real commitment speech ya'll the numbers will be badly off as of tomorrow and providers will be hanging on your every word .

Self important , deceived idiots .

If they had any class they would cancel the ski trip to Vail. That was originally set up to appease FF anyway. The VP of sales is got to be the biggest hypocrite going. Real commitment - ? I guess not committed to respect and retain long term employees, No commitment to the sales team. No commitment to growth. They are committed to saving their own rear ends and they are clearly committed to screwing everyone and anyone if if helps them to either advance their little careers and or line their pockets. This FH guy is a phoney and was fine back stabbing people that helped him advance over the years. Totally sucked up to FF , BJ and that silly HR person who went over to Europe. Everybody is "his "guy" yea right. things that go around will come around. The guy was a mediocre rep, average to below average DM and then rides others coat tails and when the time is right will throw people right under a bus if he thinks it will advance him. That is not what this place needed and now look where we are and what is going on here.

Really Sad these are the type of people that are put in front of us as leaders. Give me an F ing break.