TOP 5 Medical Device Jobs RIGHT NOW!


Anyone care to throw out there opinions on the best of the best when it comes to the best company and job right now in terms of QOL, PAY ETC? TOP 5?

Probably better off asking for the Bottom 5...the standard CP contributor is incapable of seeing the half full glass...yours truly included.

If the trends continue, the companies who have (can afford) the largest lobbying potential in DC will be the place to be. Large, slow moving entities prefer their MDT, J&J and the like are perfect for the DC crowd.

The rising costs (taxes and regulatory) associated with bringing products to market will either hamper or completely erase all desire to start or financially support smaller companies.

As these smaller houses disappear, expect compensation and quality of life for field forces to continue to slide as the Big Boys get to act with impunity since there will be no smaller companies for folks to jump ship to.

If I were advising a high school senior where to go to make the most money...banking with a focus on energy sector, finance or lawyer...all places rife with failed marriages and empty suits - but money nonetheless.

IS (area rep, selling bots)
Edwards LS (THV rep or HV rep)
Gyrus (Territory Mgr)
ORTHO (spine & joints)
INDEPENDENT. (multiple lines in any speciality)

I am an independent rep carrying multiple lines and these are the reps I know of making actual money......$250k+......

IS (area rep, selling bots)
Edwards LS (THV rep or HV rep)
Gyrus (Territory Mgr)
ORTHO (spine & joints)
INDEPENDENT. (multiple lines in any speciality)

I am an independent rep carrying multiple lines and these are the reps I know of making actual money......$250k+......

I think you nailed it. That is pretty much the top 5 give or take...

yep If you have relationships the way to go is INDEPENDENT . Those guys seem to be really the only guys making big money 350 to 600. Robot gig is turn and burn and a young mans game and or ex pharma guys wanting to get in the or.

IS (area rep, selling bots)
Edwards LS (THV rep or HV rep)
Gyrus (Territory Mgr)
ORTHO (spine & joints)
INDEPENDENT. (multiple lines in any speciality)

I am an independent rep carrying multiple lines and these are the reps I know of making actual money......$250k+......

So, you think Spine is a good spot to go now? I've heard that is a declining and saturated market. Thoughts? Thanks

yep If you have relationships the way to go is INDEPENDENT . Those guys seem to be really the only guys making big money 350 to 600. Robot gig is turn and burn and a young mans game and or ex pharma guys wanting to get in the or.

You are referring to the CSR position and in that case you are spot on. The gig that the previous poster referred to is actually selling the Robot - huge loot.