Top 3 things you DON'T have in the field


Do you have everything you need in the field to sell? Or are there a few things (intelligence, data, prescribing info, etc.) that would make your job easier?

The ability to take my customers out to dinner to discuss business. They are all too busy and distracted in the office. Everyone in the world does business at dinner or over drinks with their customers and family. Thanks PHRMA for handicapping the entire industry!

The ability to take my customers out to dinner to discuss business. They are all too busy and distracted in the office. Everyone in the world does business at dinner or over drinks with their customers and family. Thanks PHRMA for handicapping the entire industry!
Maybe if you didn't have products that are me too dog food prescribers would actually give you the time of day.

What a dumb post. We need people who were in the field promoted to upper levels of positions so they already know what we want. If you've carried a bag then you know what we need. If you've never carried a bag then you shouldn't be in upper level position.