top 3 / bottom 3 DMs - for fun

serioiusly?? former rep here and you guys cant even spell the initials of your DMs?? and you are ranking THEM?? seriously?? yeah good luck going public with this crackerjack sales team!! let me guess it is pamca, OnpC, ASKA LOL too damn funny....soooo glad I am gone

serioiusly?? former rep here and you guys cant even spell the initials of your DMs?? and you are ranking THEM?? seriously?? yeah good luck going public with this crackerjack sales team!! let me guess it is pamca, OnpC, ASKA LOL too damn funny....soooo glad I am gone

it could be worse... you could still be here licking your ass at the bottom of the rankings. why the fuck would a former rep come back to a gossip board and rant about initials. beat it jerk, you are not welcome.

AC keeps having cp erase the post that she sold JD out and called him a salix reject when he was PIPed and fired from there. Truth hurts you bull dike

It's not her. Its HR. They monitor the boards and check for negative stuff that CP will pull. Jeff also got fired from Romark after Salix. Ask him about it.