Top 10 largest Drug tests labs


Quest and Labcorp are the two biggest. Medtox was number 3 but is now part of Labcorp. CRL IS up there, along with Alere. Redwood Toxicology isn't SAMHSA certified but isn't SAMHSA Certified. For hair, Omega, psych medics and usdtl are big.

Quest and Labcorp are the two biggest. Medtox was number 3 but is now part of Labcorp. CRL IS up there, along with Alere. Redwood Toxicology isn't SAMHSA certified but isn't SAMHSA Certified. For hair, Omega, psych medics and usdtl are big.

The truth is that LabCorp and Quest only control about 15% of the overall market share nationally because the local hospitals control the vast majority of the lab testing in this country.