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Too Many Ride Alongs In Eye Care...


OMG!!! Seven straight weeks in a row and counting that I have had someone ride with me!!! I have had to ride with my own area manager, training manager and two other area managers that I do not even report to?

I have been with Allergan Eye Care for only a few months but this is RIDICULOUS!!! Now I have to spend even more time with management in another pointless meeting in a couple weeks in September?

This is a MICROMANAGED toxic hole where management does not trust the reps!!! I am going to start looking elsewhere!!!


It will slow down. You are new, so you get all the excess management with you in the field. It is ridiculous, but hang in there because it will get better. Keep your options open, too. If you find something else, consider it. On behalf of another Allergan rep, I'm very sorry you are being micromanaged so badly. We have way too many chiefs and not enough indians.

OMG!!! Seven straight weeks in a row and counting that I have had someone ride with me!!! I have had to ride with my own area manager, training manager and two other area managers that I do not even report to?

I have been with Allergan Eye Care for only a few months but this is RIDICULOUS!!! Now I have to spend even more time with management in another pointless meeting in a couple weeks in September?

This is a MICROMANAGED toxic hole where management does not trust the reps!!! I am going to start looking elsewhere!!!

Allergan eye care rep here of 10 years. If you work on the west coast then you are micromanaged regardless of how many years you have worked at Allergan (I feel it more than ever).

The RD on the west coast demands the area managers to micromanage down to the first call/last call (8:30am/4:30pm) signatures.

Allergan Eye Care is a sinking ship with 5 reps per area and so much existing generic competition on the glaucoma team and the threat of Restasis going generic in May of 2014.

You are wise to want to get out already just put in 1 year so you do not look like a job hopper...lots of people are looking to get out with you...

Allergan eye care rep here of 10 years. If you work on the west coast then you are micromanaged regardless of how many years you have worked at Allergan (I feel it more than ever).

The RD on the west coast demands the area managers to micromanage down to the first call/last call (8:30am/4:30pm) signatures.

Allergan Eye Care is a sinking ship with 5 reps per area and so much existing generic competition on the glaucoma team and the threat of Restasis going generic in May of 2014.

You are wise to want to get out already just put in 1 year so you do not look like a job hopper...lots of people are looking to get out with you...

It's not just the West Coast.

Allergan eye care rep here of 10 years. If you work on the west coast then you are micromanaged regardless of how many years you have worked at Allergan (I feel it more than ever).

The RD on the west coast demands the area managers to micromanage down to the first call/last call (8:30am/4:30pm) signatures.

Allergan Eye Care is a sinking ship with 5 reps per area and so much existing generic competition on the glaucoma team and the threat of Restasis going generic in May of 2014.

You are wise to want to get out already just put in 1 year so you do not look like a job hopper...lots of people are looking to get out with you...

I feel this person's pain on the west coast. We have to call in and talk about our successes in the field on voicemail every week to be forwarded to our RD by our useless area manager who is more concerned about how many signatures we have a day rather than our sales numbers. Good Selling!!!

I feel this person's pain on the west coast. We have to call in and talk about our successes in the field on voicemail every week to be forwarded to our RD by our useless area manager who is more concerned about how many signatures we have a day rather than our sales numbers. Good Selling!!!

Same in Southeast. Total lack of understanding of the business. Again, not about selling but about how many signatures you can get in a day. Am told to tell docs I will be fired if they do not write more. No product message. No knowledge of how to coach or manage. Absolutely no reinforcement or encouragement. Field rides are to find something, anything, negative. No positive feedback at all. Worse morale in 10 years. And he interviewed for the RD position. Unbelievable.

I feel this person's pain on the west coast. We have to call in and talk about our successes in the field on voicemail every week to be forwarded to our RD by our useless area manager who is more concerned about how many signatures we have a day rather than our sales numbers. Good Selling!!!

Just realized we may be district mates. Worst excuse for a manager.

We may as well be district mates, if your area manager has been a manager for less than a year and is a complete TOOL!!!

Around 2 years for us. Long enough to go through 7 long term reps and a few that came on and left in the first few months. He loves to threaten our job security on a regular basis. Still can't give a sales presentation. Pathetic.

Same in Southeast. Total lack of understanding of the business. Again, not about selling but about how many signatures you can get in a day. Am told to tell docs I will be fired if they do not write more. No product message. No knowledge of how to coach or manage. Absolutely no reinforcement or encouragement. Field rides are to find something, anything, negative. No positive feedback at all. Worse morale in 10 years. And he interviewed for the RD position. Unbelievable.

I wonder what our doctors would say or do if they knew about Cafepharma, what Allergan area managers want us to say, and how these area managers constantly threaten to fire us on each ride along?

I am going to start using my strong relationships with a few of my doctors, inviting them to read these Allergan threads on Cafepharma, so next time my worthless area manager tells them on a ride along that Allergan cares about their patients, at least these doctors will know what a SHAM he is, since patients or employees are not what my RD or AM care about.

I wonder what our doctors would say or do if they knew about Cafepharma, what Allergan area managers want us to say, and how these area managers constantly threaten to fire us on each ride along?

I am going to start using my strong relationships with a few of my doctors, inviting them to read these Allergan threads on Cafepharma, so next time my worthless area manager tells them on a ride along that Allergan cares about their patients, at least these doctors will know what a SHAM he is, since patients or employees are not what my RD or AM care about.

And my AM tells me I need to STRONG ARM my docs to write more. I need to tell them if they don't I will be fired. Absurd.

The same man will send me a coaching report saying that he worked with me for two days but he never showed up. He will put in my coaching reports that I made only five calls when I made nine-all with signatures. Absurd.

What happened to this company?

I had a doctor mention CP last week. His exact quote: "what happened to Allergan? People HATE working there". Nice. It was so embarrassing, and I definitely defended the company but I felt like telling him to read all the posts and judge for himself.

With that said, who wants to support a company that treats their tenured, successful reps like a clock in/clock out assembly line workers? I HOPE upper management reads CP. I hope they see there are easy things to fix that can make a huge difference in morale. Reward performance and compliance, not check the box wannabes that have never posted numbers or been in Leadership. Those guys, when promoted, are terrible managers and drive out the good reps. Please, someone, pay attention to what everyone is saying on here!

Well, my fellow colleagues you better get use to it because this scenario is being played out in every pharma company. It has just gotten to another level..no stratosphere and Allergan is one of those leading the charge.

The ridiculousness of this is when Allergan hires tenured reps with great relationships in offices and then marches every tom dick and harry into those offices demanding to see the doctors. Shittting on the staff and being a general nuisance. This my friends is the beginning of the end for all of us. More and more offices are making restrictions.. and by rights they should. Its all an act and these accounts are putting their collective foot down.

It's one thing to have a AM tag along, but another when you get a AM wannabe(Region Trainer) that had 1 maybe 2 good years and they now think they can manage people. I haven't even mentioned the Regionals or Marketing people that have NOTHING else to do with their time than to pester the field sales force.

I hope everyone has a plan B to fall back on when this golden goose stops laying the golden egg.

I joined Allergan Eye Care having worked at 2 different big pharmaceutical companies prior for 15 years that were both notorious for being cut throat and have never had so many pointless coaching rides!

Allergan by far has so many useless layers of management, riding with your area manager, area trainer, marketing and RD comes out to once every 2 weeks?

In my prior pharmaceutical positions I saw my ASM only once every 6 weeks at the earliest!

This is an Allergan MICROMANAGEMENT issue and no place in the pharmaceutical industry is as bad!