Everyone in my whole district is experiencing office shut downs. We are all taking our manager to the same 6-8 offices. Every.single.time. I can get into other offices, but they are no longer allowing a +1 to tag along.
Please someone thin out the number of managers. The ratio should be no less than 1:12 or 1:15. He knows it too. On half my calls, he sits in the car while I go in because he just saw these providers 4 days ago with my partner.
Other organizations are starting to change this antiquated model. GSK, will you be innovative?
Please someone thin out the number of managers. The ratio should be no less than 1:12 or 1:15. He knows it too. On half my calls, he sits in the car while I go in because he just saw these providers 4 days ago with my partner.
Other organizations are starting to change this antiquated model. GSK, will you be innovative?