Tony Hunter



Who is going to protect you know?

Who is going to tell you what color vest to wear each day? I personally like the red, it makes you look like a waiter or a parking attendant

Maybe this regional director will see through your BS and call you out for who you really are


Who is going to protect you know?

Who is going to tell you what color vest to wear each day? I personally like the red, it makes you look like a waiter or a parking attendant

Maybe this regional director will see through your BS and call you out for who you really are

It will be interesting to see if Matt is made to work with Tony as part of his orientation

It will be interesting to see where he ends up. Loved the vest comment too. :)

I say he take Jennings place in Memphis and moves down there as a DM. He really cant stay here because nobody takes him serious.

As for the territory of opportunity, I would love to see Matt Reed get the honors and have to come up with a Plan of Action to increase his market share.

If Matt Jennings is his manager, I hope he cuts him no slack. Afterall, Matt Reed picked David to work with him here and pull strings to keep David here. Really that was what sent Jennings to Memphis. Not to mention, once again, how Matt always spoke down to Jennings when he would ride with other reps. How he always said, "The DMs and Reps in Memphis do not have to work, they are sitting on a goldmine." "How Bystolic does so well down there because of the population" (Had a racial meaning here) etc.

He did everything, but give Matt Jennings credit.

Sorry for getting back on the Matt Reed bandwagon again, when you talk about Tony Hunter, it is easy to do. Those two were attached at the hip for so long. Well, at least it was onesided. Tony was attached to Matt's hip, Matt talked down to Tony when he wasnt around. Come to think of it, I think Matt Reed talked bad about just about everyone he worked around, when they werent around , of course.

I liked Matt Jennings, seemed like a solid no nonsense type of a guy, if I had him as a manager I would still be there. But I was stuck with Reed, Stovenour and Hunter- was not a pleasant experience


Who is going to protect you know?

Who is going to tell you what color vest to wear each day? I personally like the red, it makes you look like a waiter or a parking attendant

Maybe this regional director will see through your BS and call you out for who you really are

You forgot , working the door of a bar , checking ID's