Tom Griffin did great....


at driving market share into the ground and increasing metrics! Get ready to electronically detail everyone and be ready for time stamps on all your calls!!!

Welcome to Tommy G's Watson!
Hey there double dipper... Not that you are successfully running 2 jobs while you tan at the beach, but how would you suggest defeating time stamps with MD signatures?
Hey there double dipper... Not that you are successfully running 2 jobs while you tan at the beach, but how would you suggest defeating time stamps with MD signatures?

This is great!!!! Finally Paul and the other JOs will get what they soooooooooo rightfully deserve, Sorry to the innocents, but I am going to LOVE watching this go down!!!!
Hey there double dipper... Not that you are successfully running 2 jobs while you tan at the beach, but how would you suggest defeating time stamps with MD signatures?

UHH!! I believe we have time stamps here already-Is this new? Nothing is going to change. Only the smart reps have figured out how to get around this.
Be good to me now Tommy! Maybe I can get you on with my other company! Keep a "book" of sigs. Open and spill, open and spill. Have access to a dumpster. Use only contractor- grade 4ml trash bags.